on 07-11-2024 04:53 PM
I know there has been a past discussion about it but I can't find it. Many thanks to anyone who can help.
on 07-11-2024 05:03 PM
Is there a 'switch back to classic view' or something similar on the right near the top at all ?
on 07-11-2024 05:08 PM
Oh no....I can't find where to switch back either.....
on 07-11-2024 05:11 PM
eBay enhancing or experiences?
on 07-11-2024 05:12 PM
just more fiddling for the sake of it 🙄
on 07-11-2024 05:17 PM
Thank you all for replying. I know there was a link there in the past, but it's gone now, at least for me. Not happy.
on 07-11-2024 08:57 PM
😞 same, not happy. I can't even add to this thread, can only reply to this message?
on 07-11-2024 08:59 PM
ohh, now its working. ok, as per last message, not happy at all, its awful, and can't even do the updated messaging feedback, as that's not working for me, can't get to the bottom of the page to press send.
on 08-11-2024 02:45 AM
can't even do the updated messaging feedback, as that's not working for me, can't get to the bottom of the page to press send.
If possible, try using the mouse wheel to scroll down, or if you do not have a scroll wheel, use the tab key repeatedly to highlight each clickable section of the window until you reach the "send" button.
You may also be able to change the zoom level of of the page by holding down the control key and pressing plus, minus or zero to zoom in, zoom out or reset the zoom level.
on 08-11-2024 09:03 AM
Seems the have completly remove the link to go back to classic veiw, thus forcing this new method onto everyone, utter joke to be honest. they need to bring back the link