on โ01-11-2019 09:41 AM
I have two eBay accounts. For the last few days eBay has not been recognizing one or both of my logins. After a lot of fiddling about I can usually manage to get onto my site. I have resorted to changing the passwords for both sites, which worked for a short time before the problem returned. I use Last Pass to remember my passwords and insert them automatically, though neither using Last Pass or manually entering my login details works. Help!
on โ01-11-2019 05:34 PM
If you have forgotten your passwords, it's not possible for anyone here to help. (Note: you're not contacting eBay by posting on these boards. They are public forums on which any eBay member can post, and the responders are, like you, fellow eBay members who give voluntary helpful advice and information. (The standard of help is usually well above the type of cut-and-paste help provided by eBay customer service.))
Could this be a browser issue? Are you using IE, for instance? Internet Explorer is notorious for its problems in rendering the eBay sites properly. If that's the issue, simply download one (or two) other browsers known to work well in accessing eBay. Both Firefox and Chrome are good browsers.
Could it be that you need to clear your browser cache and cookies?
You may possibly need to do a hard refresh. (Hold down the CTRL key and then press F5 while doing so.)
It may be that you have a keylogger or other malware on your computer, so that every time you reset the password, that information is swiftly communicated to the source of the keylogger/malware. That would mean that no matter how many times you change your password, you'll not be secure. In that case, you'd need to stop using that computer (and probably any other computer on the same network) for anything sensitive until you've had it examined by a reputable and qualified IT guy - or you have run relevant anti-malware and anti-keylogger A/V programmes. Do you have good A/V installed? Do you allow it to scan your computer regularly and run updates regularly? (You can also use some free programmes... Malwarebytes, for instance.
if you have clicked onto any links in emails recently, that could have been the way in which hackers gained access to your computer.
In your position, what I would do is attempt to access my eBay account from another device - iPad or iPhone perhaps. (NOT through the app, but via a web browser, and selecting FULL version (at the bottom of the page). If I could log in through another device, then I would know that my password has not been compromised and the problem is technological, not malware-related.
Does any of this help?
on โ01-11-2019 06:15 PM
I pressed Control and F5 as you suggested. Although nothing appeaered to happen, I was able to login to both accounts without a problem. I wll see whether the problem remains fixed tomorrow and let you know. Thanks in anticpation.
on โ02-11-2019 11:15 AM
Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately Control and F5 didn't work. Is there a time when I should do that? I did it while Chrome was up. I regularly scan for malware. Could it be a clash between Chrome's password manager and my other password manager (LastPass)? This has only been happening for the last week.
on โ02-11-2019 12:04 PM
I got on to eay chat and they suggested that I change my passwords. I have done so and so farit is working.