User Activity

I have dropped from Top Seller to Below Standard and am now limited to 215 items (I currently have over 500 items listed). I would like to appeal two transaction defects going back to March. I didn't know I had these defects until long after the time...
I have done a bulk edit of all my eBay listings in which I tried to change a couple of lines in my Descriptions. I followed the instructions but the lines have not been changed after more than a week.
I have attempted to bulk edit the description of 447 listings. I follow what appears to be the obvious procedure i.e. I select all 447 items then click on Item Description. I then select Find Text And Replace It. In the Find What box I enter "Within ...
I am trying to add or edit my postal policies to reflect changes in postal rates. Whether I try to edit or add a policy eBay indicates that it is thinking (rotating blue circle). I have left it thinking for hours but it never ends. This problem has e...
For a while now I haven't been getting email notifications fom eBay when someone places an order. This morning I happened to be in eBay and noticed that I had two items which had sold several days ago and where marked as "Send Now". I haven't made an...