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Still having major problems with

My Hubby, uses he doesn't have any problems!!!


I use

and get all these problems!!


Cannot leave feedback?
Cannot load free listing, I'm getting charged for them?
Cannot open mine or other sellers items??
Cannot bid or Buy??
PayPal invoices arriving without customers address

Ebay Staff just keep coming back saying there working on it.

so frustrating .. i'm sure that  certain buyers cannot bid on my items..

Message 1 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

Yep, many glitches recently.

Some have said Chrome as a browser is a little better than Firefox.

And downloading a free adblocker can also help.

image host
Message 2 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

I have had no trouble with speed and loading of pages on the site.

First clear all cookies, history and cached data first.

I Use the Microsoft Edge browser which is part of Windows 10 plus all the updates.

Microsoft Edge has its own ad blocker just click on the sign at the top right and corner.



Try this, may be it is your computer and not eBay, If NBN or ADSL turn off the computer and the router at the wall. Reboot the whole system. Run your anti-virus, such as McAfee, or Windows Defender, and do a full scan. Then clear all cookies, history and cached data.

Then turn off power for the computer and router and NBN equipment at the wall again.

After 5 minutes reboot. Then try to log on.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

I have major problems with too. I can't look at specific items to bid or purchase them. I have tried firefox and internet explorer and just get a message saying it cant redirect. (error code INET_E_REDIRECT_FAILED). It has happened since 1st August and now it does it on my daughters laptop too. The American Ebay site works fine. Apparaently Ebay Canada are also having the same problem.


Message 4 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

Have you read any of the suggestions offered in the dozens of threads about this issue? People seem to be having success with the suggestion directly above your message. Try that.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

(no apologies for placing similar post into more than one thread)


Re: several recent irritating glitches on

Over the weekend, I managed a thorough diagnostic hour that (I think) 'completely' dispels all the ad-hoc myths about swapping browsers or tweaking your browser with some non-guru's latest pet suggestion on 'how to fix it'.

I have access to a wide range of equipment and during my test hour I checked using Windows 10, Windows 7 and even Windows XP, and I checked using browsers Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox, with and without AdBlockers, with and without script blockers, and prior to and after clearing caches, etc, etc.

I ran all the same tests on both and

I was exploring several glitches, including the horrible script delays on watch lists and purchase lists, but especially the more recent 'listings refusing to display at all' glitch (which must be really irritating sellers beyond belief).

Quick summary...

- on - the glitch of 'listing failed to display at all' appeared using ALL platforms, and ALL browsers.

- on - the listing displayed perfectly on ALL platforms ALL browsers.

The verdict is trivially simple and 'definitive'. It doesn't need Sherlock Holmes to support and paraphrase what previous posters have already stated.  i.e., is OK but is broken.

I politely suggest that...

- anyone who thinks their latest browser manipulation trick solved the problem should just recognise that actually they just got lucky (and probably only briefly)

- really should get their act together and be honest enough to just admit that their recent meddling with so-called improvements has gotten them into deeper water than they're qualified to swim in. That honesty, if it ever manifested, would save lots of people from wasting their time fretting over their own systems (which of course work just fine on other web sites).

eBay techies please stop hiding, and eBay Quality Assurance (if such a beast exists) please recognise how much lost business is resulting from your techies playing with toys that they only pretend to understand.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

And then there are those of us who are not having any of the problems that are surfacing on the boards at present.


Not being computer experts we can only offer solutions that we think might work.   When the problems first started the usual clear cookies and cache, reboot computer and add an adblocker to your browser of choice usually did the trick.  It is obvious that the problems are multiplying and becoming more widespread. 


It is a bit unfair to have a go at the members who are doing their best to help others when ebay either refuse to admit there is a problem or assure us that the problem is being investigated.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

I'm also not having any problems. I've been listing and relisting as I still have access to the 100 free listings a day promotion, on all 3 accounts. I'm thinking eBay just hasn't got to us yet and our turn will come. In the mean time, I'm madly listing while the going is good!

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Still having major problems with

Hi y'awll,

I just noticed that I CANNOT leave feedback for any items using Firefox v20... But CAN using Firefox v50.


(Please don't suggest that I just use Firefox v50 or any of my later version/s.)


This is just after eBay decided to change the page layout/s.


It worked fine about a week ago.


After I click on the Leave Feedback button, the page that opens is blank, save for the header & footer details.


I talked to a "helper" who suggested a work-around by going to the Site Map page, but that just produced exactly the same blank Feedback page.


Why do they keep changing things when the original page/s, site/s actually function O.K.?


Anyone got any ideas?


Ta muchly.



Message 9 of 9
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