UPC/EAN numbers and Brand names inserted, but disappear after 2 or 3 days

I've spent lot of time revising our items listed to include the required UPC/EAN numbers as well as Brand name.


Once completed all was accepted and visible for 2 or so days, however now all is gone and when I check the listings I can see - Does Not Apply


I have spoken with Support and they told me this happened because the products need to uploaded with all the information (UPC?EAN and Brand name) when first listed and this can not be added at later date through revision.


Does not make sense to me, can anyone help?

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Re: UPC/EAN numbers and Brand names inserted, but disappear after 2 or 3 days

Can't help with your question, but on a related note - I have some listings that include a group of several items of different brands. When first listed,  I used 'Various' in the Brand Name box. When I tried to relist the same items, I couldn't unless I changed the Brand Name, but the only possible alternative availablet was 'unbranded'. Now this is NOT the case, as the items are all branded, just a range of brands. How stupid.


I also found when relisting, that some items had to have the UPC box filled in. Since many of my items are pre-owned, UPC is not relevant, and I have not put anything in that box when first listing. But when trying to relist, I was required to put something (and was able to choose Does Not Apply) but it seemed almost random which items were required to have it.


ebay can be a real mystery sometimes.

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