Unable to send feedback to seller

Community Member

I am trying to send feedback on an item that just arrived today. However, when I complete the feedback form the site keeps sending a “we ran into a problem, please try again” message instead of sending the feedback to the seller.


Any help?


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Unable to send feedback to seller

Try clearing cache and cookies then rebooting your computer, you could also try a different browser.


I'm assuming you haven't run out of time to leave feedback (60 days from purchase date).


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 2 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

Community Member

Why is this a problem?


Is there not more to life than nuances(ego).






Our Karma(ego)ARE our reactions,


our nuances.


They ARE our teacher,


they ARE our eyes,




Be mindful,seeing oneself and then balancing is key.

Message 3 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller



How about helping others here instead of posting mindless drivel all the time ?


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 4 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

Ok padi*0409,


Instruct me again how i should behave and or conform.



Message 5 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

Ebay is certainly not free from glitches, so, who knows.

If the item arrived today you still have plenty of time to leave feedback if the item didn't arrive very late.

Try again tomorrow, and if it still does not work, you could contact eBay via live chat, although I doubt they would be able to solve your problem.

Sometimes I get the usual "it is not you; it is us" when some pages do not work, but soon after refreshing them they work.


Message 6 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

Its a ebay problem I had the same message so I,m assuming it will be rectified soon 

Message 7 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

If you're trying to leave non-positive feedback and the seller is TRS, you will have to wait 7 days from receipt to leave feedback.

Message 8 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

Unable to leave feedback for buyer




Message 9 of 12
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Unable to send feedback to seller

I'm having the same problem. I can't leave feedback for my buyers. I keep getting error messages. I'm hoping it's a temporary eBay glitch 😉

Message 10 of 12
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