on โ12-08-2017 02:52 PM
Any one else having problems with slow downloads or no downloads? Pages that do not redirect. I cannot revise any of my items through ebay australia, and Customer servicer told me days ago, there are a few other sellers also experiencing this difficulty, There suggestion was to use a different browser. I have already trued Mozilla and Google chrome, same problem on both. Can access and download pages on any other site, just not Ebay australia. I have been waiting for days for this problem to be fixed, but no one has got back to me.
I have paid for tech support, so all the standard, empty cache etc has all been done. He told me that it is obviously some issue with ebay.
Any one else having trouble with page redirects, jery or slow responses?
on โ17-08-2017 03:36 PM
on โ20-08-2017 09:12 AM
I too have been told that they (ebay) are working on the problem and they will get back to me, it has been over two weeks and the issues are getting worse, not better.
I am certain that these issues started with the Mobile app compatablity changes. Ebay has told me that it is working fine on moble phones, also suggested that I use differencet browsers. Does not work for me with Mozilla, or Chrome, have had some sucess with explorer, but this may just be for my computer, may not work for others.
I have no issures with ebay Uk , Germany or US, it only appears to be affecting ebay AU. At least this is how it is for me.
Just not good enough.
on โ20-08-2017 01:49 PM
This may explain the almost zero sales from the 15th Aug - had 3 normal weeks before then but lights out again.
Buyers & sellers alike do not want the hassles of clearing caches etc neither do they think of it, they just want to use the site - this is the sort of thing that sends buyers especially running. eBay has to be one of the most difficult sites to navigate and use.
All these glitches may also be due to eBay implementing in August, the new review section whereby buyers can message past buyers for an opinion of an item. This surely must have privacy issues and I would be furious if I received never ending messages asking for opinions on an item I purchased - surely this is what feedback is for????????????
Got to hand it to eBay - they sure know how to drive away buyers & sellers!
on โ20-08-2017 02:17 PM
@steen1equestrianriding2 wrote:
All these glitches may also be due to eBay implementing in August, the new review section whereby buyers can message past buyers for an opinion of an item. This surely must have privacy issues and I would be furious if I received never ending messages asking for opinions on an item I purchased - surely this is what feedback is for????????????
Please explain?
How can members find past buyers of an item when there is no facility to see who has bought anything due to ebay hiding member's identities?
And there is no way to see in feedback what a member has bought.
Even in the days before ebay became paranoid about privacy there was never a problem with never ending messages asking for opinions.
on โ20-08-2017 03:14 PM
Apparently where you can leave a review there is supposed to be a drop down box of previous buyers - can only assume this will include links to messages. This applies only to listings that are in the eBay catalogue (listings that include bar code numbers).