Technical Issues
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Forum Posts

ebay site security

Twice when browsing for computers on ebay I've experienced a web attack from a fake tech support website. Both times blocked by my antivirus software. This has only happened when looking at computer listings in the ebay site, not when browsing at for...

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Dodgy screen appears whilst on eBay - HACKED?

I was on eBay when the screen was replaced with a dodgy Telstra winner announcement with a popup screen asking me to click OK. The URL of the screen is as below and a space has been added after https so that no one else clicks on it. eBay technical t...

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OVer 200 listings i had in the unlisted area were all Deleted without Notice,im so angry

I had over 200 items in the unlisted items area ,i wasnt told and they just Deleted them all ,they took me weeks to put up,apparantly they said this has been happening for over 1 year ,that items get Deleted after 90 Days which is a lie as ive had th...

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ebay please fix you app for Samsung J3

Just to confirm I have not noticed any issue with receiving messages and these have came through with the relevant sound and screen notification, it's purely the sales notifications that I am not receiving, or at least the sound is a very short ker-c...

Resolved! hiding completed orders

I have completed a successful purchase on ebay with a seller who I brought two items from and all has been finalised and feedback left, but when I go to "hide order" it comes back everytime I re-open the page. All other orders I can hide but this one...

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Saved lists and purchase history

Hi, for the last three days I can no longer edit or customise my saved lists. Also my purchase history doesn't show any items.Does anybody experience similar problems?

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