on โ12-07-2022 09:00 PM
I tried to leave feedback for an item. I click on positive. It automatically fills in some **bleep** comment, which I cannot delete. The submit button is greyed out, so cannot leave feedback even with the pre-filled garbage.
I am using Firefox browser. I have submitted feedback a few times this year OK.
on โ12-07-2022 09:38 PM
It's a new system from eBay, just hover your mouse over the text, click on it an start typing then you can leave feedback as usual.
on โ13-07-2022 04:07 AM
There have been many threads about this problem recently.
It looks like this change implemented by eBay was not a great idea.
on โ13-07-2022 09:48 AM
You can, just follow the advice already given a few dozen times over in various threads
eBay do not read here, and even if they did, they are not going to change it back to how it was as they consider this yet another of their 'helpful improvements'