Autumn 2014 Seller Release

Community Manager
Community Manager

"Twice a year we bundle together a number of site, functionality and fee updates aimed at helping you deliver an enhanced shopping experience for your customers. The initiatives announced today encourage sellers to adopt the behaviours we know buyers increasingly prefer - boosting the chances of a successful sale or sustained business growth. Read more at Welcome to the Autumn 2014 Seller Release."

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Re: Autumn 2014 Seller Release

They rang me (consumer affairs) and said that it is legal for ebay to do this. The only right we have is to take our business elsewhere. Ebay chooses their terms which in my opinion is sugar coating words and fees to make profits. So, I will definitely be looking at amazon now they are in Australia.


The other option is to boycott ebay. Everyone stop listing for a given time frame and ebay loses profits and might reconsider.



Message 11 of 15
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Re: Autumn 2014 Seller Release

We spend over $40,000 a year on postage alone and to date we have tolerated eBay's total lack of customer service and high fees, however we will not tolerate this.


Our eBay/PayPal fees for the year end 2013 was over $14,000.00 and now they wants to add another $3,500 to this bounty!


Like many suppliers we have our own website/s and a large customer base, eBay only represents a small part of our business.


eBay, if by chance you do read this, fire the imbecile that made the decision to place fees on postage and your so called customer  service centre.


Goodbye 🙂


Message 12 of 15
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Re: Autumn 2014 Seller Release

Just felt like I really needed to voice my opiion over this "Scandalous" GREED.  Nothing more than a Grab your Cash Attitute. I will, and will never, understand how they can just make a Public Announcement about what they are planning to do and just sit back and think we are all going to Cop it. I will be lodging a Formal Complaint to the ACCC and hopefully we ( on Ebay )  can make a change. 😞 ????? Let's ALL give it a try. 


Message 13 of 15
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Re: Autumn 2014 Seller Release

Again and again, instead of slashing sellers with FEES after FEES, eBay you need to invest into your business instead of lining the pockets of your senior management and shareholders (i.e. adjust your systems to cope with the DST winter time change when we are listing 10 days or less prior to that change -who knows when auction will end??? Certainly not the potential bidders, or so they tell me...- , your lack of flexibility in the 2nd chance auction -can be offered only once-, impossibility there is at discounting an invoice by more than the advertised postage costs (!), the impossibility to send more than one 2nd chance offer at a time -as used to be the case, I understand why they removed that possibility but IT IS INTERFERING WITH the BUYER/SELLER'S dealings, eBay....-, the impossibility to change the price of an item -below last bid amount- at 2nd chance offer, impossibility of liaising in an efficient manner with potential buyers -plainly and purely censored if 'wrong' word, symbol is detected by eBay systems-, prohibiting the use of email and telephone addresses in mail between eBayers (!), etc, etc.... )

Not only are you stealing from us but you are also manipulating our dealings eBay rather than adopting a positive,objective and pro-dynamic approach to our dealings, you impede our transactions, our communication, eBay, for one single reason: YOUR GREED, YOUR PARANIOA WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR THINKING THAT YOU COULD EVEN MISS OUT ON THE PROCEEDS OF A TRANSACTION, YOU ARE FEELING SOOOOO UNSECURE, EBAY, IT HAS TURNED YOU INTO A MONSTER WITH THAT OTHER MONSTER YOU CREATED BY THE NAME of 'eBay' ...



and you, little vegemites of eBayers, do not forget to sign that petition if you agree with us sellers who are being shafted by eBay:




Message 14 of 15
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Re: Autumn 2014 Seller Release

I read that reason for signing our petition on facebook, isn't it sad, it is a very sad world eBay has in the pipeline for us, shame on you eBay, you CANNOT eat money, remember:



  • I sell in the Knitting Yarn sector on eBay Australia. There are currently 31,627 listings and only 977 are offering free postage - not exactly 60%, huh? And of course, because why would a yarn seller add the cost of postage into their product price - (a) it would make a ball of yarn an outrageous price and (b) how would you offer your buyer combined postage for multiple purchases from multiple listings? Which is what yarn buyers do. With the final value fee on postage - Buyers lose, Sellers lose and eventually eBay will also lose because they will be killing the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs!

Message 15 of 15
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