Again and again, instead of slashing sellers with FEES after FEES, eBay you need to invest into your business instead of lining the pockets of your senior management and shareholders (i.e. adjust your systems to cope with the DST winter time change when we are listing 10 days or less prior to that change -who knows when auction will end??? Certainly not the potential bidders, or so they tell me...- , your lack of flexibility in the 2nd chance auction -can be offered only once-, impossibility there is at discounting an invoice by more than the advertised postage costs (!), the impossibility to send more than one 2nd chance offer at a time -as used to be the case, I understand why they removed that possibility but IT IS INTERFERING WITH the BUYER/SELLER'S dealings, eBay....-, the impossibility to change the price of an item -below last bid amount- at 2nd chance offer, impossibility of liaising in an efficient manner with potential buyers -plainly and purely censored if 'wrong' word, symbol is detected by eBay systems-, prohibiting the use of email and telephone addresses in mail between eBayers (!), etc, etc.... )
Not only are you stealing from us but you are also manipulating our dealings eBay rather than adopting a positive,objective and pro-dynamic approach to our dealings, you impede our transactions, our communication, eBay, for one single reason: YOUR GREED, YOUR PARANIOA WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR THINKING THAT YOU COULD EVEN MISS OUT ON THE PROCEEDS OF A TRANSACTION, YOU ARE FEELING SOOOOO UNSECURE, EBAY, IT HAS TURNED YOU INTO A MONSTER WITH THAT OTHER MONSTER YOU CREATED BY THE NAME of 'eBay' ...
and you, little vegemites of eBayers, do not forget to sign that petition if you agree with us sellers who are being shafted by eBay: