on โ31-03-2013 10:01 PM
When I try and search for anything on www.ebay.com it tells me zero matches. Doesnt matter what I search for. Say for instance I search for "sunglasses", I know they are there but it tells me there are zero matches. Tried advanced search and selecting different options still the same.
Been like this for a few days now.
What is going on ???????????
on โ31-03-2013 10:08 PM
try ebay.com.au
on โ31-03-2013 10:21 PM
I was searching for something some time ago and the results did not show (some did) and it was something I had searched for multiple times over months. Ebays system seems to be going downhill very fast, I have also experieanced other issues that quite frankly is unecceptable.
on โ31-03-2013 10:26 PM
sorry for the spelling mistaks and other stuff I lft out
on โ31-03-2013 10:30 PM
and sorry for taking overy your thread fror advertising....
on โ01-04-2013 05:59 AM
I have been having trouble with that too. It seems to be ok for me now though.
on โ01-04-2013 09:26 AM
ebay.com.au is working ok but ebay.com is definately doing weird stuff.
I checked it again last night and it was working ok seemed like something had been fixed. I even shut it down and restarted to make sure, and yes it was searching fine.
This morning I try and search again and again not working.
Ebay had nothing onits announcements board. Surely something is worng ???
This has been going on for days.
on โ01-04-2013 09:42 AM
I found that happened to me when I clicked on "other items by seller", if I then put something in search it will only search that seller's items not all eBay. However, when I clicked on any of the items, the search field then is for all eBay. :_|
on โ01-04-2013 09:49 AM
Funny you say that. l were researching some items ready to list yesterday and did a search using main keywords. Three search results come up with 0 items.
So l went to Google to search and the top results were from eBay. Click on one of them and all these listings come up.
l thought l must of been doing something wrong so went back to eBay and tried again with less keywords.
0 results again.
Got me tossed. l know the items are out there on eBay land, just the search wasn't going to share them with me.
on โ02-04-2013 09:38 PM
i am having the same issue. If i log in from my work computer all works fine, if i do it at home i get nothing???? This has only started in the last few days.........