on โ23-01-2014 03:13 PM
Hello, who else has noticed that you can't edit item listings now if your images are non-compliant re 500x500 size? What a completely stupid decision! I sell CDs with stock images, just like everyone else, and about half of my items don't fit this newly-introduced rule. Plently of perfectly good 400x400 images are apparently now not good enough. As far as the eBay CD/DVD retail sector goes, this rule is ultimately going to cripple just about every seller over a petty issue. Do eBay have no idea how labour-intensive it is to edit this stuff, any way you do it? How about they introduce their own automatic resizing (which is what I'd have to do myself anyway, one item at a time). They should at least have an exemption or auto-resize for media sellers who use stock images. It's sheer idiocy! If this affects you, I urge you to complain to eBay about it. The more people do this, the more likely they are to stop this absurd policy which is a monumental waste of time for everyone. One-size-fits-all just doesn't work!
on โ23-01-2014 04:36 PM
on โ23-01-2014 06:44 PM
Are your CDs new? If not, there is also a prohibition on using stock pics for used items.
on โ23-01-2014 09:14 PM
I've got to do 2500-odd of them to do. They'd better give us until the end of the year, because that's how long it'll take me. Wouldn't it be great to spend that time listing new stuff instead! It's such a waste!
on โ23-01-2014 09:31 PM
New listings have to comply, you can't relist or revise a listing unless you make the pictures compliant, and any other GTC listings will relist as normal until later this year (exact date as yet unannounced, but to be fair, most of these requirements were announced over a year ago, so they have given it quite a bit of time).
on โ26-01-2014 07:11 PM
I know it sux but we have had plenty of notice, months infact. We had over 500 listings and put it off, and put it off. Once you get startd on doing it, it doesn't take as long as we thought it would. Dedicate an hour or two each day to fixing the pics and you will find it a week or two, they will all be done.
We have no choice, belive me heaps of people have been complaining about it. But at the end of the day, if ebay brings in new rules, we just have to go with it.
Good Luck
on โ26-01-2014 10:46 PM
you work for ebay
on โ26-01-2014 11:54 PM
It is interesting when those with minimal experience claim anybody who doesn't agree with them are eBay employees. Especially when they have only ever posted on the boards once - to claim somebody they don't know is an eBay employee. And have minimal demonstrated experience with eBay
You might take into account that some members of eBay are reconciled to working within eBay parameters. We make money that way if we are sellers.
Those who have an automatic predeliction to bag eBay might be better off not using the site.
on โ27-01-2014 12:32 AM
On second thought, I have a question -
Do you have a Dangerous Goods Licence? You seem to be selling perfume, which is a dangerous good and requires a DGL to send through Australia Post.
Sometimes it is better not to draw attention to yourself, especially when it's only a cheap shot.
on โ12-03-2014 05:58 AM
Pearls of wisdom from someone with NINE, count em NINE listings...
Go a different way, not my way...