had a few offers over the past year when your away for a day or sick etc
- and miss out on good solid make an offer - only 24 hours - which
doesnt give much time to respond, not everybody checks their ebay every
21/11 sold a shirt - at a reduced buy it now (bargain) - after direct
contact from buyer for the lower offer - however since then no contact
no response no paymetn - have sent a reminder invoice and a friendly
wake up email - now wishing to go to non...
we rejected a best offer hoping to get a higher bid ( which hasnt
happened) - can i now accept that original offer - the 48 hour window
has closed - if so how do we go about it.
hey thanks for your input - i think youve got it wrong - these are
offers that have been sent to me -not offers that i have made, however
some people have suggested that you can change the timeline to 48hours -
will pursue that idea.
hey thanks for your input - have received some negative responses but
may have to follow your idea to start contacting prospective buyers if
miss original offer.
if youre like me been a member for nearly 20 years - there are the odd
days when you cant quite get to check everything! however apparently it
is possible to adjust 'buy it now' to 48 hours - looking to do that -
and thanks for your input.