just an update Guys ,this is what my $56 is paying for this Great
Service , Thanks Ebay , thanks Global Shipping Program Date/TimeActivity
Location 6/06/2017 - Tuesday11:27 amAt local FedEx facility SINGAPORE SG
Package not due for delivery 11:27 amA...
Yes it was my mistake in Assuming , i am not going to argue with you
over this ,My mistake , $56 for Priority shipping ????? thats all i am
saying never again , like some one else wrote - Buyer Beware of this
Program its been a hoot
Yes I did know the cost of the shipping and was more than happy to pay
that .What I thought was that I was getting was a priority parcel that
was only going to take 5-7 days .After 4 days I checked the tracking it
said" delivered " I contacted the se...
If you read my post properly . I said quite Clearly"$56US for postage
for 14 days is a Rip Off "Its easy to make comments and pass judgement
.I am only talking about the postage rate and service I am getting for
that rate . Never again .As for writin...
I have been a huge supporter of EBay. Not any more. Amazon ships to Aus
in 5 days the rate is reasonable. I just paid $56US for shipping USA to
Aus for a watch and it will take 14 days. The original seller was in New
Jersey. But cos of this program h...