Is it against ebay rules for a seller to cancel an auction on the
grounds the item is no longer available, then relist it (almost
immediately) at a higher, buy it now price, especially if auction has
run for a few days?
bought an ssd from a supposed Aussie seller; it arrived (return address
is a mail sorting centre) but it wont format or work. No external
damage, so what is a photo going to show? Don't expect a response from
the seller anyway as, since I purchased t...
Not a new seller, and has done this on multiple items. I find it
interesting that, as a bidder, your are bound to follow through, and can
only retract a bid under certain circumstances, but a seller can
withdraw an item so easily (especially when it ...
This is the first time I have bought multiple items at the one time so
haven't come across this before. The seller told me he thought that
using another post service would be against ebay policy and didn't want
to get into trouble (and I have had oth...
My problem with the program is what may be seen as fraudulent activity;
sellers cannot combine items and the buyer has to pay full shipping for
each. However I recently had 3 items (from same seller at same time)
arrive as 1 parcel .. I was charged 5...