Anyway, this is what I get when I click on my Power Seller icon next to
my name, hilarious! Multiple
links to not Amazing!
davewil, you obviously struggled to read my post, I even said that ebay
used the excuse that the page is for US. Here's a link to AU eBay
regarding Power Seller support. See down the bottom all the references
to email addresses? not
I find your talk of turnover hilarious for someone like myself who drops
a few things on for sale occasionally. I guess I'm just proving the
point that I'm not a Power Seller? I'll stick to my other 3 forms of
generating income.
putney32 a Power Seller status does not dictate whether I am successful.
All it does for me is add to my total cost of selling a few bits and
pieces on eBay. I am not a new seller, have been here for over 10 years.
Now enough about me, here is the Po...
I've tried in vain for ages to get my Power Seller removed, finally last
month I'd crept back under the 100 transactions over 12 months and I
still cant get rid of it, I have to wait an extra month!! Very harsh.
Think I may try that second account so...