So adversarial! Buyers are not your enemies...they're actually the
people putting money in your pocket, and assuming the worst case
scenario when a buyer doesn't finalise a transaction is
So, if the seller terminates the dispute, he/she can't then cancel the
transaction and receive a FVF refund? I wasn't aware of this, however,
personally, were it me, I'd take the small loss on the fees, a happy
customer, positive feedback on the item...
It appears your seller is either a novice or being quite unpleasant,
particularly as you subsequently purchased the item at full price from
him/her. He or she can terminate the dispute, cancel the transaction,
and have his/her fees refunded by eBay. ... could appreciate the fact your buyer has put money in your
pocket instead of buying from a B&M store or another seller and treat
him or her with a modicum of gratitude and respect by replying
Irrespective of what option in terms of postage the buyer chooses and
how you send the item, you are responsible for its safe delivery.
Registration protects you, not your buyer. Consider it from this
perspective, if you bought an item from a B&M sto...