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I was sick and inHospital.I owed money. I had a non paying strikes against me.So I asked my Son to contact the Sellers.One Seller has a non paying strike against me over $2.98 for a Postcard.I am slowly contacting all the Sellers.But I can;t contact ...
Hi, I have several pieces of Clarice Cliff. Yet a Seller has a Honey Bee Pot . With two stamps on the base.I believed they were made at different times.What actions do I take.Not being an expert. I would like information from experinced People first....
I bid on an item in the last minute, I had been watching for awhile. I won, now I have had several messages from the Seller , to return the item, and then buy from them , and deposit the money into their account. The Seller stated that they were old ...
Hi, I overbid on a Pearl Necklace, instead of $40.00 I bid $4.000, I contacted the Seller, and the Seller said they made the mistake once also, I looked at the bidding, mine under $40.00 the other, one bid went to $150.00 , $200.00 $2220.00. I tried ...