@*julia*2010 wrote:@the_great_she_elephant wrote:so, as an 'office
holder' is she not entitledto chartered transport when performing
herduties? she was also there to attend meetings. That's the whole point
though isn't it? She wasn't also there to at...
@idlewhile wrote:@lurker172602 wrote:I think calling someone a "fat
white c" might fall outside CS guidelines too.I took it to mean fat
white cat but then it could mean anything: Give us what you think it
means and remember it's just your opinion. Re...
@*julia*2010 wrote:Some of the stuff she has written is rubbish.
Mourning the loss of the Berlin wall F G S. why???She (re)published a 40
year old artircle in Survey after the fall of the Berlin. The article
was with a clergyman of a church in East B...
@2106greencat wrote:Freedom of Speech Try going into a crowded area,
standing on a wooden box and swearing at the top of your voice about the
Government, or any issue you want, you will soon find yourself arrested.
Free Speech has about as much meani...