Hacking news is only reletavaly new. My sales were obly a fifth of where
they should have been. The next few days will tell if it was coincidence
or not.
agree with you fully arb. I believe that 98% of eBay buyers want to do
the right thing. We lost our "Top Rated Seller" and page views dropped
by 40% overnight. eBay is a fantastic selling platform but I belive that
there isn't enough change. Take a l...
Our traffic is quite poor. We had around 20 items this time last year
and now with over 200 our traffic is only slightly higers. Sales are up
but no where near our forcast.
There is some much different law going on in eBay than the law of
averages. Last year I listed 50 items and sold 16 in the first week.
Same time this year I had well over 1,000 items listed and only sold 20.
Sales to me seems to be all about eBays "B...