Party you have got it exactly right in fact a day may not be long
enough. But a week and EBAY would be forced to respond. It the only way
to make them take notice in the hip pocket
EBAY has yet again provided further proof of it's knee jerk management
Style a couple of months ago basic store retired and now its back and
now for it's latest dose of stupidity FREE POSTAGE. Where can you get
free postage. The answer is you can not...
Yes I see what you are saying in your example. However when a realistic
shipping price is charged why should EBAY get a "rake off" of the
shipping component as well. This is why they want to introduce the free
shipping option so they can charge a fin...
Feedback is a measure of the integrity of Sellers. For feedback to
actually mean something it needs to be honest and 2 way. The amount of
non paying buyers is getting out of control. The ability to leave
negative feedback for buyers MUST re reinstate...
As a Top rated Power Seller it is my belief that once you have earned
this status you should act as an 'ambassador" type seller when dealing
with other sellers. I always give the seller the opportunity to make
things right before even considering lea...