Hello could someone help me id this vase it is 23 cm high by 16cm across
using widest points.I was thinking possible ellis or maybe an itailian
vase. it has the number 12 on the botton .Thanks heaps.
Hello can anybody tell me who or what pottery company this signature
belongs to .I am guessing Aussie or swedish area etc , I have seen the
sig before but can not remember.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have had a break from ebay for a while and noticed on a closed auction
search the number of bids(Most and Least) is no longer there .But in
current auctions you still can.Can someone let me know why it has been
dropped? I assume seeing Australian e...
Hello i am currently using the free trial. i am undecided if i will keep
using it . i love the statistics and what you work out as far as trends
and what is hot selling. BUT i started wondering how accurate they stats
are for eBay Australia , so i ch...
Hello ,thanks for the site have it saved already.I thought maybe ellis
because of the shape and round type jewel things(like ellis spotted
blackware vases).But as i have searched around shape wise and texture
wise it could be have been made by a coup...