Agree with your comments 100%, this seller stooged me because I had
ordered other items which arrived ok, so I tended to trust more than
usual, but they won't get me again !
The only reason I purchase from China is because I can't get the items
easily here. Whether it is worth the effort is not the point, I was
relying on Ebay/Paypal so called guarantee that they keep spruiking
about, I knew the risks of dealing with Chi...
I didn't return it at all because I threw it out when the seller didn't
want it returned, but that's not the point, Paypal were not going to pay
for the return postage anyway even though I should have qualified . And
yes, seller is in China, 'mwholes...
Totally agree, both Ebay and Paypal guarantees are practically useless.
I had a similar situation where the item I received was damaged. I sent
photos to the seller who agreed to send a replacement, this dragged out
for three months with many broken ...