Look at the listing in question first: seller clearly shows different
postage rates to different countries: ~$40 for USA, ~$57 for Belarus
(not really near Germany, part of former USSR). OP: did you discuss
situation with the buyer, ie: demanding ext...
Large letters do not have tracking (unles you ad signature on delivery
and/or insurance). Parcels do have an unique (more or less traceable)
number. Now: I haven't had a PayPal dispute in a couple of years or so
but just on the basis of observing dis...
I have seen a couple of threads in buyers section that I found really
worrisome, for example this one
One issue is the cost of...
Firstly: you are posting on an open forum where everybody/anybody can
comment. I do admit that my post was a bit impulsive: the whole
discussion seems to be pretty one-sided and I thought it could benefit
from certain clarifications and another point...