Item no longer available

Community Member
Won the Auction, so I contacted the seller to arrange to have her deliver -which she offered, for a fee.

She emails, so we try to organise a day and time and then she emails and says, sorry, the item has been loaned to someone,blah blah but I will be able to deliver it to you after 5th April- 2 weeks after I won the auction, or we can cancel the auction.

I emailed her that I need to use the item before that, and not to bother. Im not in control of where the item is, but I will buy from someone else, as already Ive wasted days dealing with her, and clearly shes unreliable.

Can ebay just cancel the sale?
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Honored Contributor

Only the seller can cancel the sale.  You should ask for a Mutual Cancellation from the seller.