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Why are sellers allowed to say they're in Australia when they or their products are overseas?



How many times as a buyer have you purchased from an "Australian" buyer only to have to wait and wait for your parcel to arrive because it has come from overseas? If you want to check if you are dealing with a seller actually in Australia, go to the sellers feedback. That will show if your seller is in Australia or from another country. Also check the delivery times, if it takes 5 or 6 weeks to get here, the item is overseas. If he/she is in another country it stands to reason that his/ her goods are also over there and they will arrive late. 


We as Australian buyers wanting to buy Australian, shouldn't have to do this. We should be able to see at a glance if the seller is actually in Australia. Sellers should not be able to say their goods are in Australia when the goods are actually overseas. This is dishonest advertising and should not be allowed. 


It is not possible to choose to buy Australian either because of this dishonesty of listing their goods as being in Australia. Even choosing to buy within a certain distance from your home doesn't weed out the overseas sellers. 


I have no problem buying from overseas if I want to but I don't want to have to look through hundreds of items to find an Australian seller after I've done my best to single them out. 


Please eBay do something to help Australian buyers buy Australian by stopping this dishonest practice. 


Thank you

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Answers (1)

it is called "drop shipping"


it is not illegal to do. The seller can be in one country who deals with a wholeseller in another country.


You buy the item from the seller which ever country he is in and the wholesale company he buys from ships direct to his or her bbuyer.


it is not illegal to do this.