on 26-09-2012 09:06 PM
I have two questions really.
I bought something for only AU$1.30 from China. When I went to pay I was asked to give my phone number. In 11years of purchasing internationally on eBay I have never seen this before and I panicked. I immediately asked the seller to cancel the transaction. The seller was courteous and cancelled a few hours later and everything seems to be fine.
I'm worried that this will count against me so question number one would be "am I in trouble?!".
I understand that some sellers need the info to give to couriers and I also understand that the seller can get my phone number anytime they want once we're in a transaction but I don't understand why I would need to give my phone number for something small and sturdy enough to fit in a small envelope that mosty certainly won't be couriered to me.
So keeping that in mind, question number two is, why is this seller asking for my phone number?
Thank You for your time.
As the seller was ok to cancel the transaction then no you will not be in trouble.
And as for the phone number, a lot of OS sellers want this to verify who you are.
As you said they can and do request it by requesting contact details.
A few times I have had Chinese sellers do a request for my details and heard no more from them.