on 23-01-2014 07:29 PM
I bought 2 items from 2 stores which had seperate postage fees.
Parcel arrives with both items in that one parcel , therefore the postage was combined and cheaper than what we paid for the 2 postage fees
We were not offered the combined postage , we did not know they had multiple stores . Even if the store does not offer combined postage ( which he has said ) , if we had known they were essentially the same store we could have changed our options on what we wanted to do?
on 24-01-2014 05:20 PM
If you had bought both items from the same store, the seller would have been well within their rights to send in the same parcel without any postage discount. Why is it different when it is from separate IDs? Did you pay more than you wanted for the items plus postage?
Combined postage means included in one parcel NOT discounted to the cost of the postage. Whilst I would never charge more than the cheapest for the buyer, there is NO requirement for a seller to discount stated postage unless they specifically state that they will. In their listings or in an eBay message.
And when Paypal start retaining the 30c fee for refunds, I won't be refunding and re-invoicing. I'll send 2 parcels if people pay separately, thus avoiding the hassles of Paypal fees for refunds, buyer overexpectations....
on 24-01-2014 08:05 PM
If it was from the same store it would have allowed me to ask for a quote on combined postage , I was not afforded this opportunity
If the seller still wanted to charge me the same price as the 2 postage fees I would not have bought the items.
No I did not pay more , but I feel decieved the way it has panned out .
on 24-01-2014 08:10 PM
Combined post does NOT equal discounted post. You have admitted earlier that you would have been happy to pay the same amount of postage for the same items from the same seller. Wherein lies the problem?
on 24-01-2014 10:06 PM
No matter whether the Seller is entitled or not to conduct business in this way, the end result is that this Buyer has had a horrible experience, is left with a bad taste in their mouths & received little or no customer service or good will.
A little care & customer service is all it would have taken.
on 24-01-2014 11:19 PM
Combined post MAY equal a cheaper fee , it MAY not too but I was never given that choice to ask. You can not say definatley it wont equal a cheaper fee because I have ask for prices on combined items previously and the price has been cheaper.
Say the postage was charged $10 for each , I have no problem 2 different sellers charging that , its 2 packages , 2 lots of time and effort ( labour ) posting them etc.
But when its the same seller charging $20 for one packaging , one lot of time posting it ( labour time, its a down right rip off.
How much profit has he made on that ?
I would not have paid the $20 for those items been sent from one seller. I was never given that choice.
Whats my best course of action , because I think I have been unfairly treated in this case
on 24-01-2014 11:42 PM
Your best course of action is to move on and forget it.
You have no reason to open a dispute and the seller is obviously not going to do anything.
12:55 AM
- last edited on
06:23 PM
How are the goods Not As Described...the OP admits the postage was clearly on each item?
on 25-01-2014 01:10 AM
So, are you saying that you would lie and/or make a fraudulent claim, or are yopu encouraging the OP (and anyone else reading this thread) to do this?
25-01-2014 01:14 AM - edited 25-01-2014 01:17 AM
I would argue the postage service that was paid for was not as described. This is an inherent part of the listing description and subject to the same scrunity as other goods and services peddled on eBay.
The buyer expectation was that a post service to send the garment that was paid for would be an individual parcel without other goods.
In Australia businesses that have misleading advertising for goods AND services that are paid for is an offence. Any reasonable person would expect they were paying post for a single item to be sent on its own. May / may not fly with paypal, but may serve some food for thought to the seller whether they are a business or not.
Being non-transparent about goods and services being purchased - regardless of overall cost - is unacceptable according to eBay policy, and legislated for if a business. If they have two IDs hobby seller status is more unlikely to be the case IMO.
25-01-2014 01:18 AM - edited 25-01-2014 01:19 AM
@crikey*mate wrote:So, are you saying that you would lie and/or make a fraudulent claim, or are yopu encouraging the OP (and anyone else reading this thread) to do this?
How dare you imply by posing this question that I am encouraging others to make a fradulent claim.
That is not the case. I will not reply to you again under your id on this thread, or any others you roll out.