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Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?


i had an item that didn't turn up in 2 weeks, sent from within Melbourne too, so short version lodged missing item report via aust post website. Since the tracking number shows 'Delivered NUNAWADING VIC Wed 7 Aug' when i live in Box Hill nth shouldn't it show as being Box Hill nth??

Been a long time since i've had to look up a tracked item so i can't remember. Nunawading is the nearest distribution centre & is 3 suburbs away from mine though.


Furthermore aust post's reply to me says:
We have an update on the delivery of your Parcel Post item. I have met with the driver responsible for the delivery of this item, and after reviewing route and tracking information, they recall that your parcel was delivered to your letterbox. If youโ€™re still unable to locate the item, the sender will need to contact us, quoting Case #####'


sounds dodgy to me, they don't track to the exact address or maybe they're referring to the delivery drivers vehicle gps showing as come here? Quite often though the postie delivers items like this small enough to fit in my letterbox, item was a small dvd box set.

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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?

When I lived in Box Hill South I seem to remember much of the mail going through Nunawading.


Often drivers will take photo's these days so perhaps ask for a description of your letterbox in case they have misdelivered it.

(If it was a contractor rather than a postie)

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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?


i realize you're trying to help but i already know it went through Nunawading as i said its the nearest distribution centre. I doubt they would take photos of letterboxes for a small item?? how would that prove anything?


Anyway i would have to ask the seller/sender to do all that from now on. i really don't want to bother the poor guy as he basically made about $1 profit on the dvds after postage costs, actually less with fees..... so none


edit: forgot to say before, this was sent in a regular red satchel with tracking as they all have, but not insurance or sod


@kopenhagen5 wrote:

When I lived in Box Hill South I seem to remember much of the mail going through Nunawading.


Often drivers will take photo's these days so perhaps ask for a description of your letterbox in case they have misdelivered it.

(If it was a contractor rather than a postie)

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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?

I doubt they would take photos of letterboxes for a small item?? how would that prove anything?


Yeah, if it was a postie then they rarely take pics, but contractors often take pics to cover themselves.

And sometimes it will show the item was delivered down the street because someone missread the handwriting on the satchel.

Or even sender could have written the wrong house number.


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Message 4 of 8
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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?


thanks kopenhagen, but does anyone know for certain if the 'delivered' suburb should be the suburb posted to or its nearest post office or distribution centre?

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?


an update, for anyone interested, ....i notice the boards seem to be alot quieter than they were say 2 yrs maybe no one is interested in reading the rather long saga but im writing it to vent AND to show AP service is not what it once was.....probably pointless though i suppose....


So since i lodged the missing item report AND a complaint to Aust post about the reply i got, i had a rep phone me today. Tbh i was half asleep as i'm still fighting off a cold so some of the details are a lil sketchy. He informed me that the parcel was delivered by a postie not a parcel post driver. And that they were able to look though the tracking system to see that the postie scanned it before leaving it in the letter box. I wasn't quite clear on what exactly scanning meant since they didn't explain it very well so i think i asked them if the postie has a gps & they said no.


So to me that still does not prove it was deiivered to the address on the parcel. It was able to be left in the top part of my letterbox by opening the lid which they frequently do as I leave the lb unlocked. This might seem risky but the problem is my lock is stuffed & the key won't fit in, fixing it would not be economical. Also most parcels are larger & get left at the door, i've yet to have anyone steal from me probably because lb or front of my unit is not visible from the street.


So anyway he seemed quite defensive making statements like we get alot of people trying to tell us items have not been delivered, which is really quite irrelavent since the complaint related to this case not everyone else's mail. & he was borderline rude, talking very quickly, saying things like 'i've said that to you several times' well its a bit hard to keep up with your fast talking mate! in the end he just said you will have to get the sender to file a report with us if you want to take it further. Since the cost cutting at AP, i guess they don't bother training staff as much as they used to. i've not had to communicate with them often but when i did several yrs ago i found their communication skills alot better than this time.


Now the strange twist is i went to check my mail later on today & hey presto, the parcel was there but in the lower part of the letter box designed for papers/catalogues.


So in conclusion, it seems to me someone is telling porkie pies. It has to be either, they did actually do a search of the Nunawading distribution centre, posties bag etc & found it there so forwarded it to me (which means they did NOT previously deliver it on 13/8) OR they accidentally left it in the neighbours letter box/paper spot who then put it in mine....


edit: forgot to say before, i was told by ap rep, tracking page was correct in showing Nunawading as delivery destination since its the nearest distribution centre, but with some larger parcels delivered by drivers &/or with insurance it will show the actual suburb delivered to.




Message 6 of 8
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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?

Every time we get a package delivered (which is 3-4 time a week), and as opposed to a regular mail item (leter type), the delivery driver will either want a signature to prove delivery or will take a photo of where the item has been left - without fail.

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Aust Post tracking delivery location, distribution centre or my suburb?


it does seem a bit overly cautious of them but perhaps that particular driver has had alot of complaints against them of missing parcels, no doubt aust post would get quite a few fraudsters trying it on who ruin it for the rest of us innocent customers. I can see the situation from both sides....

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