on โ11-06-2013 04:51 PM
I have returned an item to a seller, they have been in touch to say they have it
according to the tracking it's still in the drivers truck!!
so much for scanning and tracking X-(
on โ12-06-2013 01:59 AM
Maybe factor in the value in the value of what your posting and the likelihood that the contents are more vulnerable to light fingers or scamming, then recalculate.
on โ13-06-2013 01:39 PM
It seems Aus Post has its hands full with a tremendous amount of traffic etc but there are suspicious people working for them that may sneak a package or two as seen on Tonight shows. I have had all parcels sent & received arrive, one has been broken (obviously thrown around as they do) but my worst nightmare was with Pack & Send, My lamp arrived broken into bits, when I tried to claim insurance they told me I wasn't covered due to the nature of the article and because I had used the on-line service, let me tell you, if you read the list you can't send anything thru the on-line service (which they tell you is there to save you money!!) they even have the hide to profess they're there for e-bayers. Don't use them they don't give a rip about your items.
on โ13-06-2013 01:54 PM
Maybe factor in the value in the value of what your posting and the likelihood that the contents are more vulnerable to light fingers or scamming, then recalculate.
How does anyone know what is inside a package far less its value? All of my packages both to and from have been non transparent. Occasionally I have had someone write on the package a general description of the contents, but ????
Wouldn't it be safe to assume *shudder* that all packages had the potential to contain something of value?
I heard that a comic book sold for $5 million dollars! How does one differentiate between that and the one I just sold for $2.20 in a non transparent parcel package?
on โ13-06-2013 03:47 PM
Crickey mate is totally correct,As if any Australia post workers or contractors have any idea about what is inside a package.
Seems to me that a couple of people who have posted here are so paraniod about theft that they think Australia post is full of dishonest people.
Well..... i will be honest here with my thoughts,I have never heard so much garbology in my life,
If you dont have the facts ,then you cannot back up the garbage you are writing,As i said in an earlier post,I am a contractor,I work with other contractors,and every one of them are good honest hard working people,And they do not deserve to have there repution tarnished by a few Dishonest people from the past,And when negative people who have never even worked in or seen the the working environment contractors work in,then . they should get there facts right before they write negative things about people that they have not even met.
on โ13-06-2013 03:51 PM
Er ...maybe think a bit harder .... I am not going to outline on public boards particular clues to a parcel contents value.
on โ13-06-2013 04:11 PM
Crickey mate is totally correct,As if any Australia post workers or contractors have any idea about what is inside a package.
Seems to me that a couple of people who have posted here are so paraniod about theft that they think Australia post is full of dishonest people.
Well..... i will be honest here with my thoughts,I have never heard so much garbology in my life,
If you dont have the facts ,then you cannot back up the garbage you are writing,As i said in an earlier post,I am a contractor,I work with other contractors,and every one of them are good honest hard working people,And they do not deserve to have there repution tarnished by a few Dishonest people from the past,And when negative people who have never even worked in or seen the the working environment contractors work in,then . they should get there facts right before they write negative things about people that they have not even met.
When you have had parcels go missing in thin air and dealt with incompetent, rude customer staff that have no idea of the post services that are provided by "click and send" on not one, but several occassions, then you might change your tune.
Whilst many contractors may indeed be good, honest hard working people, it still stands that there a number across Australia that are not thought of as such. This is reflected on these boards, and much more regularly on Australia Posts own facebook page. Key complaints are:
1. Safe dropping even when parcel has DO NOT SAFE DROP sticker
2. Not getting Signature on Delivery - when the service has been paid for
3. Not attempting to deliver to door, just carding in letterbox, with no delivery attempt
4. No delivery attempt and NO card,
Delivering parcels under pressure might be stressful, however that should not be an excuse for not fulfilling the tasks that one is paid to do or not providing the service that has been paid for by a customer - that is not honest at all.
Whilst I think the folks at my local post offices are brilliant, IMO it is clear they work without much support, training or clear communication from AP HQ.
The lack of communication to customers, and misinformation circulated by AP representatives, is also about the worst I have come across.
I am very pleased that others have wonderful experiences with AP, but I have had a mixed bag of experience, some excellent, most good and some very poor to woeful.
on โ13-06-2013 06:19 PM
I agree!!
sitting in front of the computer at home, an email pops up - attempted delivery!!
I'm in the house!!
look outside no card nothing
luckily check at the PO and it's there
ATTEMPTED DELIVERY !!!! - lazy .............!!!
on โ14-06-2013 04:28 AM
I have read this thread and I can only concur with the people who have had problems with Australia Post and defend their complaints. I have had 2 serious problems as these people have described, one involving a contractor according to Australia Post who tracked the item addressed to me out of their Latrobe Valley, VIC service area...yet it failed to arrive at my home. AP eventually reimbursed me for the cost of my Ebay item after months of persistent contact, dealing with a number of different AP areas, none of whom coordinated my complaint or progressed it. Luckily the seller and I worked together 'from both ends' to deal with the obvious duck-shoving between departments. Finally we got action from AP.
On that occasion it seemed that there was no 'signing off' by the AP staff or the contractor at change-over...ie no list of items was physically 'checked off' either as being dispatched or being received, when they were released by Latrobe Valley AP to the contractor. In other words a 'stupid' hand-over system was in place where theft was possible fro ma number of sources. It was impossible to blame a contractor for the loss, if AP itself had a defective system of tracking, however any intelligent contractor also should have picked up that risk to his business long before my issue occurred. No doubt such a glitch should have been obvious to him? I do not know if the same procedure is still in place, but my experience is that when a procedure is 'stupid'...and obviously defective...it does not take people long to find loop holes. Theft occurs. That theft in my case could have been from either AP staff or the delivery contractor. I tend to think the parcel was probably lost/stolen by AP staff...but the contractor was blamed. He could and should have predicted that outcome by checking off his stock of goods received, yet did not.
Another incident involved my purchase of goods [antique china] from the USA. I paid top value postage with goods insurance that cost me $130AUD on top of the purchase price. Some items were broken when I received the parcel. The US and AP postage services both denied responsibility as it could not be proven when the breakage of goods occurred. The seller claimed solid packaging. For me to be rebated by Ebay for the purchase cost of the broken items, I would have to have posted all of the items purchased, back to the US...at a similar postage rate, the return postage cost not to be reimbursed. It was not worth doing that, since the items were not all broken...and I still wanted the unbroken ones...so I missed out completely. I was not permitted just to post the broken items back, for reimbursement of their cost alone. It was a defective system.
Another insight...I work in the gambling reform area and in 2007 I was told by a friend that her cousin had been 'nabbed' for theft of about $350,000 from Somerville Post Office in VIC, when acting as manager of the post office there. The embezzlements had occurred over 15 years and were picked up when the manager took holidays. She lost that money on poker machines apparently and of course was sacked. I waited and the incident was not reported in our local press, so I contacted Australia Post to ask why such a huge loss of public money had not been reported. The whole incident was denied...AP said it never happened.
Unless my friend had lied to me about the whole deal...and that I very much doubt as her cousin lost her job and her marriage over the issue apparently....I believe it was a cover-up by the government who had also had trouble just prior, with a manager of the Mornington Community Health Service...who had been jailed for similar pokies-related theft. The Howard government of that time would have been trying to keep 'pokies losses' very quiet I guess, wherever possible.
My point is...AP may NOT be run as carefully or as ethically as it should be, if such incidents occur? Any business person or individual dealing with AP could keep that risk in mind maybe?
on โ14-06-2013 05:01 AM
WHat!!! I didn't read your entire essay but, all they have to do, is their job. I laughed when I saw my local postie come off his bike and spill mail everywhere. I did feel a little sorry for him though.
on โ15-06-2013 06:58 PM
^ Well, I read it all.
In regards to AP denying that embezzlement took place, wow! That's a massive amount of money to just sweep under the rug in order to keep it from the public.
Interesting post, banpokies.
LOVE that username by the way! If only we could ๐