BEWARE Global shipping program

Buyers beware before you purchase from US sellers check that they do not use the Global shipping program. You will have to pay 2 shipping costs. One for the seller to ship the item to the shipping company in the US. And a second exorbitant cost (min of aboutUS$25) to then ship to you. A simple $5 purchase becomes $50 before you know it. To make it worse most of the yanks don't even know they have signed up for it. This has to be one of ebays biggest rip offs yet!
Message 1 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

Ebay is not ripping people off.


You know the cost up front before you purchase.


It's your choice to buy.


No-one is forcing you.

Message 231 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

Oh I dont know....


eBay says the GSP if a priority service.  There's nothing priority about it at all. 


They should at least be taken to task for deceptive advertising.

Message 232 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

You get an estimated delivery date, don't you?


I don't know,  I've never used it, and never will, for that matter.


But if you get a date, then you can see whether or not it's priority shipping.


And the total cost is shown before you buy.


I'm not defending the GSP, but a bit of due diligence doesn't go astray.


As with all things in life.  big grin smiley.gif

Message 233 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@imastawka wrote:

You get an estimated delivery date, don't you?


I don't know,  I've never used it, and never will, for that matter.


But if you get a date, then you can see whether or not it's priority shipping.


And the total cost is shown before you buy.


I'm not defending the GSP, but a bit of due diligence doesn't go astray.


As with all things in life.  big grin smiley.gif

I've HAD to use if a few times (three I think).


Parcels can get bounced around the US like footballs until they finally leave the country.


eBay told me a purchase was held up at customs because they didn't have 'my new email address and new phone number' - neither of which had changed.  They also needed my full name to send to FedEx (I'd already heard from FedEx) and it turns out no one needed my full name.  That delayed things for over a week.


The FedEx component is definitely Economy shipping - it says so on their labels.  It's so economy that for the last stage they hand over the parcel to Aust Post for delivery.


A previous larger purchase got delayed somewhere in the US because 'someone' (I have no idea who the person was or who he worked for) didn't know what the item was.  I explained it was a pick up walker frame, but the words meant nothing and I was on the phone for quite a while trying to explain.  When it arrived there was a clear description and picture of the item on the packagin...from the manufacturer!


Tracking is split into who does what component so you have to wait for the next tracking number - first Pitney Bowes, then FedEx and finally Aust Post - all of which take different times to process.


Total cost.....I sometimes wonder how if is calculated.  I am trying to track down a specific book.  It's out of print and there are no sellers in Oz.  There's lots in the US all with widely differing GSP charges.  It's I am going to wait it out for a seller who trusts the postal service.


Message 234 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

I paid au$20 for some chems from the US, It cost me AU$40 postage for 250gram, and a three week wait.
You would think for the price the postage would be speedy but no, always the slowest mail on earth. Just another ebay rippoff
Message 235 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

What delivery service was used?


USPS is quicker and cheaper than GSP.  If it was sent GSP the price was quite reasonable, and nobody has ever accused the GSP of being fast.

Message 236 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

I have just found out that the Global shipping program is optional and a US seller CAN sell outside of same program, they just need to be aware that they can.

Message 237 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@goodygoodygumdrops2013 wrote:

I have just found out that the Global shipping program is optional and a US seller CAN sell outside of same program, they just need to be aware that they can.


And be prepared to assume the risk if things go awry.

Message 238 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

lyndal. you don't know what your talking about,the GSP is excellent ,with cheap postage and good guarantee,might take longet but is best thing ebay ever did. any seller not using it misses a sale to me. bye the way lyndal with so many posts you must lead a boring existance. get something constructive to do ,like charity work as i do.
Message 239 of 311
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BEWARE Global shipping program

@scootaolle wrote:
lyndal. you don't know what your talking about,the GSP is excellent ,with cheap postage and good guarantee,might take longet but is best thing ebay ever did. any seller not using it misses a sale to me. bye the way lyndal with so many posts you must lead a boring existance. get something constructive to do ,like charity work as i do.

Well that's a bit of a turnaround for you......and an uncalled for dig at lyndal as well.




"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 240 of 311
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