Being judged, repeat, repeat

Community Member



I was a newcomer to this site and I came for help. Some of you were very respectful, helpful, investigated a few things for me.


But, there were alot of people that were critical of me in so many different ways.


I had come to this site for help, that's all I wanted, help to prove I had paid for an item.


Some of you were down right mean.


More than not, alot of people were very critical over and over again. If I made a mistake, then I got criticised for that. I want all of you to read all my responses to my very first question on this sight.


If a person comes to this site for help, be respectful from the very beginning. They need yr help, not anything else.


One person i nearly reported.


I was constantly being bombarded about anything I had to say, in the end, that wasn't the help I needed. I don't know how old some of these people were, but to me, it's not funny when u need help to be criticised all the time.


If I had not won my case, I would of left ebay for another site. To the person who was so rude from day one, you need a lesson in how to talk to females. Coz yr really bad at it.


For a person to have this sort of experience, very first time, your getting a bad reputation.


I showed alot of people your responses, friends of mine, people in the street, random people I didn't know, just wanted to see what other people I didn't know thought.


Only the people that were helpful got a mention. Others that were critical, well, your site is getting a bad reputation, because of you're responses.


You can say, now I'm being critical, yes I am, coz if I don't tell you, someone else will eventually.


I think age might have something to do with it. Some of you sound like teenagers.


A little respect goes a long way in this life.


Most people I spoke to said, I'm never going on there to get help. I said, are you sure u wouldn't if u were desperate like I was for people's help? Response, not in a million years was a common answer.


All I asked of each person was, can u read this, tell me what u think, nothing more.


How many people did I ask? All the people that live in my court, parents, teenagers alike, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Then I went to my town shops, I know most shop owners, local people. Same reaction.


If this makes u all angry, well, it hasn't sunk in yet, the reality of it all.


To those that helped me, a big thank you, it was very rare, but, I did notice you.

Message 1 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

Being judged, repeat, repeat

You might be right about me being childish and petty. A former girlfriend said I was when I got jealous over some other guy who kept on giving her the eye. I wanted to grab him by the scruff of the neck.



However you were too much of a 12 year old wussy boy to even have a jab so you couldn't do it.


Message 52 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

Sorry you had a negative response from some people here. You shouldn't have to know the politics of the Ebay forums, but yes there are indeed a lot of regulars, of varying personalities. Above all, just take the info you need and leave the rest. And happy Ebaying! Get $$$!

Message 53 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

Community Member

I rest my case. Good examples.

Message 54 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

You might have a case of something, but I don,t think anyone here, including yourself, is qualified to diagnose it.


Message 55 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

Community Member

No privacy was compromised. No one knows which site it is.

I only showed the responses. No one knows where it came from.

When, asked, I said, I can't tell u that.

Only the responses where showed, enlarged, no one was at risk. No one knows who u r, nothing.

I had a sheet of paper covering all your privacy. Everything.

So u can all relax, not freak out.

It was a survey only.

When an outsider comes in, make them feel welcome. Not the opposite. It was the opposite.

The next person that comes along, doesn't matter who they are, every single person, make them feel welcome into the community, straight away. No matter what.

If I was NOT BEHIND A COMPUTER. I would love to confront some people.

Confrontation in person, face to face, is the best form of communication.

But, I'm stuck behind a piece of glass.

Am I perfect, no, I'm not.

But, I am telling you how it felt to be an outsider, coming in.

Everybody likes to feel safe, accepted when they enter a new site. I didn't feel that.

You can ignore it, fine, ignore, and carry on. Or, it will sink in to some.

From, the outsider xxoo

Message 56 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

Could you please learn how to use forums, instead of just replying to yourself,  by the way I  don't see anyone here being angry, stressed or freaked out over your thread.  It is at least good too see you eventually return to this thread, as it could be seen as rather ignorant to not take the time to  read and respond, after all it is your thread.

Message 57 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

@buyingandsellingmandy wrote:

No privacy was compromised. No one knows which site it is.


You know, you could have just sent them a link to the thread directly. This is a public forum, we all post here knowing just about anyone in the world with access to the internet can visit here and read any thread, including all of the publicly available info connected to our individual user names. They don't even have to be members of eBay.


I would personally have preferred you did that - if you were even remotely selective about what was shown to people, the survey is biased and therefore the responses would be too, and any conclusions reached from them wouldn't pass any kind of "peer review" (I use the term loosely as this is hardly scientific research). 


You're not an outsider, you're just someone who felt like they had been judged, didn't like it, then apparently spent the next 8 months asking people to judge whatever it was that you showed them, then came back to tell everyone here that they have been judged and found wanting.


The fact that you don't see the irony in that is, well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Message 58 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:

You might have a case of something, but I don,t think anyone here, including yourself, is qualified to diagnose it.


I'm sure if we got 50 strangers in the street to read this thread,  they would give us a solid opinion of what they have a case of.

Message 59 of 73
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Being judged, repeat, repeat

@digital*ghost wrote:


I would personally have preferred you did that - if you were even remotely selective about what was shown to people, the survey is biased and therefore the responses would be too, and any conclusions reached from them wouldn't pass any kind of "peer review" (I use the term loosely as this is hardly scientific research). 




If someone came up to me in the street, with a survey of the original thread the OP apparently got them to read, which takes at least half an hour to read,  plus the initial explanation of the context by OP, as they couldnt just say here read this,, so an hour in all.  I would give the OP any answer she wanted just to get rid of her.   


No one has said it but I will,  does anyone really believe that OP got all of these people including strangers to read that thread, who in their right mind would read all that, well I guess I did go and review it when OP started this thread, so I guess maybe I'm not in my right mind either.


But seriously!!!!!

Message 60 of 73
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