on 07-05-2015 11:35 PM
Received an email today telling me to expect delivery of an item I purchased from Melbourne last Monday so I intentionally stayed in during the afternoon, which is when the courier usually delivers parcels. Come nightfall there's still been no delivery so I checked the mailbox to see if it had been carded by the postie instead, who delivers well before midday (even though I was home anyway), but there's no card either.
So I log on to AP to check the tracking disposition and what I see is posted below. According to somebody, delivery was attempted at 14:42 yet that's a blatant lie as I was watching TV at the time and both the driveway and mailbox are in clear view while I'm doing so. I'm assuming that my item is now at my local LPO and it's a good thing they know me well because I don't have a card to present when I go there in the morning to collect my item.
There's no point complaining to them as it's not their fault, and they're really nice people anyway, but I'm still pretty savage, not so much about having to wait an extra day for my item, but the fact that they told me a bald-faced lie. I'll be waiting for the postie in the morning and asking if she had any parcels for me, although I suspect it was the contractor running late and he didn't even bother stopping at my place. Had he done so, he would have at least left a card if I'd not been there, but I was, and I know for an absolute fact that he never even made an attempt.
I've already sent a written complaint to AP and it will be interesting to see what they have to say about their appalling service, especially the fact that the driver had no problem lying on his run sheet. Really makes me want to trust him in the future. Not.
on 08-05-2015 10:16 PM
Maybe they've got the staff at Chullora to actually do their jobs? Performance assessments coming up?
on 09-05-2015 12:17 AM
on 09-05-2015 01:10 AM
on 09-05-2015 10:33 AM
@cq_tech wrote:Well it turns out that it wasn't a lazy contractor at all, but the postie instead. I missed her again this morning but this time she actually left the card she should have left yesterday. When I took it down to the PO, I was told that the item was taken to the PO because it was slightly too big to fit in the letterbox, and that although she would have known I was at home as the door and windows were all open, she is apparently not allowed to get off her bike.
Must be a state thing then because my postie has no problems getting off his bike to deliver small parcels to my door. He knows if the car isn't in the driveway not to bother knocking, but if the car is there, he has no problems at all. If there are more than 2 small parcels he'll just card me regardless of whether I'm home or not because space in his bag is limited, but 2 or under, no problem.
I even accused him of stalking me by bringing all these parcels to my door!! I also said that he had to stop sending fake parcels to me just so he could knock on my door. 😄
on 09-05-2015 11:08 AM
on 09-05-2015 11:17 AM
sheepy next time ask him for his Id , maybe he is just happy to see you mmmm
on 09-05-2015 11:52 AM
Yes, in my last 3 addresses in Vic (melb & rural) all 3 posties have had no issue getting off the bike. The current one sometimes comes through the gates & all the way up the driveway too, if he has time.
Perhaps their guidelines say they don't have to get off, but the nicer/more conscientious ones just do.
I miss my old postie, he used to bring me figs from his tree & I'd make fig cake & leave him some. Yet he was put on suspension unpaid for 2 weeks b/c some other local complained about him. Strange world.
I understand your annoyance cq, especially on the running hot and cold issue. True dat.
on 09-05-2015 12:07 PM
is started to look like a pattern , could it be the same postie, one brings empty parcels to see the sheepy, also brings you figs ,, and also gets suspended .I wonder why the suspension ,he prob said to her that she had a nice FIGure mmmm
on 09-05-2015 12:32 PM
Actually my old postie was suspended for taking a big bunch of mail up to someone's front porch in a howling storm- it wouldn't fit in the mail box, he was trying to be helpful. The resident didn't speak any english, and was panicked at the sight of this big heavily bearded man advancing on her house. They exchanged words as much as possible, he left the mail on the proch & fled. Later her husband (who did speak english) complained to AP. Longer story short, he was suspended.
Shows how bad communication can badly mess things up, I guess. AP are rife with it.
on 09-05-2015 12:39 PM
thats a bit rough