Blocking a seller

I'm being harassed by a seller. A seller admitted to me e never posted item I payed for then he said he would post next day I contacted him again he said item posted then a few days later said no he didn't post item so I asked for it to be cancelled witch after a lot of mucking around I got my refund, I left feed back saying item was never posted, well now I wish I had never left a feed back or ever had contact with him, now he's ringing e sending me messages on my phone emails, even saying I brought stuff from his competitor, I'm ignoring him, but as I'm 62 it's all getting to me, I just won't to be left alone, as soon as I receive stuff that's in the mail I'm closing my account, I know that's not going to stop the messages
Message 1 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

Aww, you poor thing. I really feel for you.


This type of bullying is just not acceptable.


I would call eBay (ring them, don't write) and explain the situation. Keep any messages he's sent you & ask eBay to check your account and read the messages.


I would then take all the correspondence I have to my local police station. Explain the situation, and let them take it from there.


Don't respond to him at all. No matter what he says, ignore completely.


Chin up telee. You've done nothing wrong. It will die down soon enough.


PS, don't close your account.

Don't blame me. I didn't vote him in ...
Message 2 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

If you know what his personal email address is contact his ISP and send copies of his emails to them. Complain to his phone company if you know who they are.

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

Community Member

I feel really bad for you telee. I've had similar experience.

You say you're ignoring him BUT you've responded to his comment about your feedback within the last hour. Sounds like that will just fire this seller right back up.

I agree with dotcom - call ebay and let them deal with him. Don't let it get to you and hope you don't close your account because of 1 bad seller.

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

Community Member

oh dear, I've never left a comment on communite support before,- i only came on to veiw if people had the same problems, i sent a seller a short but direct msg. that i had not received my items yet, i was already sus about them, but also felt sorry for this seller whom i have delt with since joining e-bay. cut a long story short- this seller looks good-but is not. So i empythize with you, and think i should now go and create my own 'Post'

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

You poor possum. What a horrible thing for them to do. Please don't let them make their issues into yours. You have done nothing wrong but l know the yucky feeling that you get - sort of like you are being invaded when the phone rings.

Don't play their game anymore. Honestly, they will go away if you don't react. If they ring, hang up straight away, don't utter a word.

If they send you a message through eBay, click on 'report' but do not answer it.

If they send you a message through your normal email, mark it as spam and do not read it.

l recently had the very same issue (but from a buyer) and hard as it was not to reply to his warped messages, he soon went away and found someone else to annoy.


Take care, stay strong and do not stop your fun on eBay just because of one very small person.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

Judging by this sellers previous f/back, not posting is a favorite past time.


One of those * I've got your moolah, buggered if I'm gonna post your stuff" types




You gave them every chance to do the right thing, so I wouldn't worry about it to much.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

Awwwww telee I also feel for you.


Please don't let this idiot chase you away from something you obviously enjoy. It wont make any difference to him but it will to you and he wins again.

Judging by the track record this seller has their days on ebay may be short lived.


In any event I am sure a bully like this moves from target to target. I am guessing he will have a new person to shove around ( I pity the poor Soul) as so many are dissatisfied with his lack of ethics. 


Like dotcom said....ignore ignore ignore, I know its hard but when he realises hes not getting anywhere he will give up. These types get off on intimidation, no response from you means he gets no joy.


Best wishes to you telee, hang in there !!!!:-x  

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

How do I block a selleR? 

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Blocking a seller

You can block any member, but only if you haven't had a recent transaction with them. Site map.


As suggested above, report them to eBay and their ISP.

Message 10 of 12
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