on 31-03-2013 11:48 AM
on 31-03-2013 11:32 PM
not to say paypal would not decide with one side
on 31-03-2013 11:35 PM
Sorry for the further advertising but if someone does not like it then so be it.
on 01-04-2013 12:58 PM
What!!!! I would feel the pain if something went missing for both parties but it aint the sellers failt
Maybe not, but it is up to the seller to make sure that the item is sent using a safe postage message to avoid a dispute. If it was sent regular and goes missing the seller might as well refund because the buyer will win an INR dispute.
If the item is worth more than you can afford to lose, then you should send registered..
If it does go missing, you can't just say "Sorry, not my fault, you should have chosen Registered post" A seller recently said that to me (minus the reg post bit) and due to his behavior throughout the whole transaction was rewarded with 2 pretty red dots ;\
on 02-04-2013 03:59 PM
"I do think a strike should create an automatic neg that all sellers can see!"
Yes - I agree!
on 03-04-2013 12:37 AM
why bother with negs for buyers, the buyers who are scammers will just change their M.O and create new accounts to scam and annoy buyers.
on 03-04-2013 06:04 AM
why bother with negs for buyers, the buyers who are scammers will just change their M.O and create new accounts to scam and annoy buyers.
well changing the modus operandi and their account... takes time...and time is money
and .. if it's good for the goose it is also good for the gander.
Why allow the scammers to continue with 100% feedback charade ????
when ebay advertise feedback to new sellers from their help section as...and I quote
Feedback is made up of comments and ratings left by other eBay members you've bought from and sold to. These comments and ratings are valuable indicators of your reputation as a buyer or seller on eBay.
Why leave Feedback? Leaving honest comments gives members a good idea of what to expect when dealing with other members.
We want Feedback to be an open and honest way for members to share their experiences with other members. This helps buyers and sellers decide whom they want to do business with.
Just like the real world, you earn a reputation based on your actions and how well you treat others. The eBay Feedback system works pretty much the same way. We want to keep it honest and fair for all members, and our rules help us do that.
Feedback is the foundation of trust on eBay. Having terms and conditions that dissuade an individual from leaving feedback undermines the integrity of the feedback system and decreases trust within the eBay marketplace.
Gee that feedback is a great thing isn't it???... blardy better than sliced bread 😐
well at least it was once 😐
on 03-04-2013 06:11 AM
So on top of that can anybody not see why sellers especially the new ones, or even those experienced sellers that have been on ebay since Jesus played fullback for Jeruselum and have not ever had to nor contemplated leaving a negative for a buyer.
Who then come in here to find out why they cannot leave honest comments re the trade that occurred if they are the seller and those comments perception are negative???
I would feel well and truly rogered myself if I was implored by ebay to do one thing ie leave honest comments re the sale and then was not allowed to because they were negative
on 03-04-2013 06:16 AM
Feedback is the foundation of trust on eBay. Having terms and conditions that dissuade an individual from leaving feedback undermines the integrity of the feedback system and decreases trust within the eBay marketplace.
and this one...this one sticks in my craw the most of all because the only party I can see that has terms and conditions that dissuade an individual from leaving feedback is ebay and that term and condition is that sellers cannot leave a postive rating with a negative commen
t...... which appears to me to... and I quote
"undermine the integrity of the feedback system and decreases trust within the eBay marketplace."