Deceptive and misleading listing title

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Re: Deceptive and misleading listing title

All listings have "report item" on the RHS of the listing page - but if it's a Chinese registered seller you'll be wasting your time reporting it.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
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Re: Deceptive and misleading listing title



Are you speaking about a listing with variations?


(That is, a listing in which the item for which you were searching turned out to be one of the so-called variations within the listing, at a much higher price than the price which lured you into the listing in the first place...?)


If so, and if the seller is a Chinese eBay seller (which you can tell by clicking onto the seller's feedback score, which leads you to the seller's Feedback Profile page - you'll see something like Member since: dd-mm-yy in China), then as padi has posted, while you can report the seller, the report will simply not be acted on by and CAN'T be acted on by


Just avoid any listing where there is a price range in the search results. You will know without even looking within the listing that it's a listing with variations, and probably set up to lure susceptible Australian buyers. Don't be susceptible. Don't click.

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Re: Deceptive and misleading listing title

Thank you, will look for that. I've been doing this for a while and have learnt not to trust many vendors, let my guard slip this time. But it is, nevertheless, false deceptive and misleading - which is illegal in Australia. I was going round in circles trying to lodge a complaint and had to vent. Will certainly take your suggestion and report it

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