on โ23-06-2013 09:45 PM
I just won an item: 271223863677. It says postage and handling is $10.50. But the invoice has come though with a postage and handling of $11.75. Have I missed something? I've written to the Seller to ask about it. Is there some reason that the Seller would change the postage and handling quote? I assume the invoice was automatically generated, so why would there be a discrepancy?
on โ23-06-2013 10:49 PM
The seller can not change the postage amount. Inform the seller that you are only obliged to pay the amount as stated in the listing.
on โ24-06-2013 12:04 AM
the auction quotes the OLD 3kg satchel price, the invoice has the new 3kg satchel price.
on โ24-06-2013 12:41 AM
putney, is it at all possible it is an ebay glitch re using the postage calculator?
on โ24-06-2013 08:08 AM
hi s'pansy. I went to bed after writing that message. not ignoring you.
Yes, from the way I looked at the listing..old postage, and what the buyer says about the invoice.. new postage I thought that an ebay glitch was possible.
on โ24-06-2013 10:25 AM
Happened to me just last night, $1.25 increase too. I contacted seller who apologised and said they had to put it up for Aust Post prices to match. I suppose I could hsve been difficult and insisted on the postage price on the listing but since I was willing to bid much higher for the item I didn't mind too much, just wanted to check if it was an eBay glitch.
Very similar to wifetoalfred's situation, but I just don't know how they changed the invoice because I always thought the postage on the listing automatically went to the Paypal Invoice and couldn't be changed?
on โ24-06-2013 11:02 AM
if the seller was using an old pre paid satchel price thats what they would post it for so you are paying $1.25 more, if you combine the postage you can change it manually because i have done it
on โ24-06-2013 12:44 PM
I heard from the Seller. She had relisted the item and it was an oversight that she hadn't fixed the postage since it has now gone up. She was apologetic and I don't see any reason to make a fuss about it. Happy to pay the extra as I won the items for cheaper than what I was prepared to pay anyway (like someone else mentioned). I do so appreciate Sellers who respond to mail sent from us buyers. Any Sellers reading this: I also really think it's very thoughtful when Sellers let you know the item you've won has been posted. I've just started buying again at eBay and I really like that personal touch.
on โ24-06-2013 03:32 PM
I won an auction last night with the cost of postage listed as $12.50....I have since received a msg from the seller asking for an extra $7.50! I paid immediately for my purchase via PayPal after the auction as I always do. What can I do?
on โ24-06-2013 03:49 PM
the postage on those DVDs is showing as $12.50 when I look at the listing and I am in North-West Vic. The seller is not new to selling so they should know better. They may have prepared the listing wihout weighing the DVDs, but it should not cost $20 to send them to you as they should fit in a 3kg Pre-Paid satchel (cost of them is around $13).
I'd be messaging them back and asking what the extra $7.50 is for. If they say it is for packing supplies and handling then that should have been included in the original listing. If they say it is for SOD (signature on Delivery) then that is only about $3. SOD isn't to protect the buyer, it is to protect the seller.
Wait til you hear back from them once you have messaged them. Then come back here and seek more advice.