on โ28-10-2014 12:50 PM
My Other Half purchased an item of equipment from a seller with no feedback and only a member since 20 October 2014. I have not paid for the item as I have requested that the seller verify that the item (a large compressor) would be sent free (as stated in the listing), and that the seller provide an invoice. I have not had any contact from the seller. The seller has no other items for sale. I have messaged the seller that I will not be paying until I receive some contact. The amount is substantial for us to part with, not knowing if the seller is ridgy didge.
If I pay via Paypal as requested, and the item doesn't turn up, am I certain of a refund?? Am I right to with-hold payment until I am contacted??
on โ28-10-2014 12:54 PM
You could contact eBay Customer Service and request their phone details and ring the seller. Might be a better/quicker way of getting those assurances you are wanting.
on โ28-10-2014 12:58 PM
on โ28-10-2014 01:53 PM
I would definitely not send any money - three identical items, sold by 3 brand new sellers, all reg on same day? Give me a break
on โ28-10-2014 02:02 PM
on โ28-10-2014 02:06 PM
No answer on phone number given. Why am I not surprised!!!
on โ28-10-2014 02:51 PM
and report them
on โ28-10-2014 04:11 PM
OP. a note of warning.
Be especially wary in future of emails purporting to be from eBay, Paypal, or your email provider, and if you have a mobile recorded with paypal be wary of sms's too. Very often these ebay scams are information gathering excersises (as paypal have processes in place that protect against such scammers getting away with any $$s, even if you have paid). Their purpose is to collect your personal information that is made available to the seller following an ebay purchase, ie; your name, address, email, & paypal user ID (and mobile number if you provided it with address details on Paypal).
The scammers then use this information to construct very convincing looking emails/sms's that they send you at a later date, with a link provided that they request that you log in through in order to verify something or other to do with your account... which ofc doesn't work, and all you have in fact done is send them a copy of your password/s which they can then use to hack your account/s.
No matter how convinced you may be that an email from ebay/paypal, or anywhere else seems legit, NEVER log in to any of them via a link in an email, always log in through their home page or normal log in page.
Good luck.
on โ28-10-2014 05:01 PM
Thank you for your advice, modestbods. I shall be extra wary in future. Thank heavens for Mail Washer!!!