12:19 PM
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03:56 PM
Hello, and a BIG SMILE to everyone interacting with this post.
The name on our account is a recent change from my son as he wanted to try drop shipping.
However, this eBay account we have originated as sonjack and I have been actively buying items for close to 20 years.
I did sell items here and there over the years. And I have always been proud to advertise genuine items, genuine pricing, and item descriptions.
I have always felt that I missed such huge opportunities to become an ebay store over the years,
But HEY that's Life.
Over the past few years, I have been looking for different pieces of small equipment to manufacture items here in Australia.
Every time I do a Google or on Platform Ebay search I see an item ( AS AN EXAMPLE ) that is exactly what I'm after and says its only for example $100 AUD,
Then I follow the l; link to Ebay and dozens and dozens of items are advertised at a similar price point. But when you open the item............... It's ONLY the spare part at that price. IF you want the actual item its 4 times the price plus $300 AUD shipping.
I need to say to EBAY..
I get that you guys make money from seller listings and sales.. But people like me are now very rarely making purchases because the site is filled with BAIT AND SWITCH items.
I think that the international sellers especially, listing on EBAY Australia should be vetted better and held to STRICT compliance to advertising descriptions. Shipping time frames and Shipping Prices. AND any seller clearly adopting the practice of advertising a machine for sale complete with pictures at a very low price. When they were only selling a spare part or similar low-value item at that price and that the complete machine is actually way way more expensive.
I have been using Ebay for 20 Years. But people like my teen children have purchased many items on your platform that arrived - OR NOT that was not what they expected as essentially they were also a victim of BAIT AND SWITCH..
01-07-2023 12:37 PM - edited 01-07-2023 12:40 PM
eBay do not read the member to member forum
eBay is ALL about the buyer
Read the listing properly
check the seller's feedback before buying
Open the appropriate dispute within the time limit and follow through with it
With 20 years experience, why are you not not teaching your 'teen children' these most basic things?
Surely you know simple rules/policies/procedures
Buyers are not 'victims' unless they allow themselves to be
Everything you complain about above is 100% avoidable and takes less time to avoid than it would posting your complaints directed at eBay someone not a soul from eBay will ever see
The link you gave is a listing for rubbish, from a seller in China whose feedback is also rubbish
Why would anyone want to buy from them in the first place?
Plenty of red flags not to buy from them right there on the page
01-07-2023 12:40 PM - edited 01-07-2023 12:42 PM
You are not interacting with ebay. This is a member to member forum.
Ebay neither reads nor responds to these forums.
It's called a Variation Listing. Not 'Bait and Switch'
Creating listings with variations | eBay
And if your children are receiving items that are not as described, then they should open a case for Item not as Described and get a full refund.
Returns, items not received and refunds for buyers | eBay
edit: note to self - type faster - Sandy beat me to it.
on 01-07-2023 01:31 PM
They are called multi variation listings. Nothing to do with bait and switch.
If you note, under the item condition, there is an Item Field with a drop down menu, which enables you to choose the item you wish to purchase.
These listings have been around for years, nothing new and do not breach any ebay policys.
Note, I don't offer variation listings and I don't even know if I have bought from one, but if I have I must have received the right item. So while some have issues with these listings, I don't. As far as them posing any risk to ebays prosperity,viability or integrity, if that was the case I am sure ebay would have acted long, long ago.
For mine, drop shipping is a far bigger issue, and ebay has taken significant steps to limit drop shipping.
No longer can you simply just decide to drop ship, and must now meet certain criteria and adhere to specific policy requirements.
01:54 PM
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07:05 PM
Wow, that escalated quickly..👎
Maybe It didn't read the way I had intended putting it up.
I think for me it's about principle. I would not under any circumstances mislead someone to perform, buy, take part in, or interact with a product or service that is not an honest reflection of the item,service or task.
I get that many people don't have the same morals and I suppose that's the issue.
If everyone was just out to attack before they GET attacked..
It's JUST A RACE TO THE BOTTOM and anarchy.
on 01-07-2023 01:59 PM
Hi Imas,
I think I may have posted a question that is not a question and more of a statement.
Variation..... So when a Car manufacturer shows you images AND item description of a vechile for sale that is 10K. Then you make the effort to investigate if that car is truely available for that price.
Only to find out that NO SORRY that advertisement was a VARIATION ADVERTISEMENT.
And the car is actually 27K.
Call it what you will. I call that "BAIT AND SWITCH" But feel free to think that this type of behaviour is acceptable.
on 01-07-2023 02:04 PM
Hey Gutterpunk.
You make great points and I appreciate the response.
Can you imagine if in ALL industries.. EVERY SINGLE situation when a transaction could take place that this VARIATION was done.
Fuel, Groceries, Cars,Houses,Banking, Lending, Government Contracts, Army and Police enlistment..
Solar Panel Purchases, Landscaping quotes, Builders Quotes.. ETC ETC ETC and the list could fill the entire INTERNET.
The way you justify this variation listing is the beginning of a race to who can deceive another human the best, quickest and make the biggest profit..
on 01-07-2023 02:16 PM
Some seem to be very easily deceived.
01-07-2023 02:19 PM - edited 01-07-2023 02:20 PM
You are being given responses based on eBay policy
Other members have not stated if they think this is 'acceptable' nor given their 'personal opinion' nor tried to 'justify' anything
Unlike you have
You are twisting what others have said to suit your own personal opinion
Plus the added and totally desperate grabbing at existent straws as far as the 'Can you imagine if in ALL industries' rant
I can only assume you are kidding
Please do by all means contact eBay and tell them all this
It is clear you only want to hear what you want to hear
and that is what the eBay CS will do
Type from a pre-written script, telling you exactly what you want to hear
It will not be factual, nor based on eBay policy
Really no point in responding to you when all you are interested in is distorting what is said to suit your own agenda
on 01-07-2023 02:25 PM
Not even sure the OP has the ' bait & switch ' meaning. lol