Express Post Query

Community Member

Hi All... Bought an expensive handbag and the seller was wonderful and said due to immediate payment she would post it immediately by Express Post... Well I've been tracking it and it said yesterday on route with delivery driver.... then said delivered... however didn't get delivered to me... 😞  


I've checked the address with the Seller - All Good - I've called Australia Post and lodged a query as to where it was delivered... I've called them back this afternoon and they said no news yet try again tomorrow... What if it's been delivered to the wrong address and they don't hand it back... I hate the fact that the Seller sent it and all details were correct but they didn't deliver it to the correct address.. I know it's early days but I've got a really bad feeling I won't see this bag... anyone else had the same problem but did in fact get the parcel turn up? 


All things crossed ... 🙂

Message 1 of 85
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Express Post Query

Have you checked with your local PO in case it has been left there? Sometimes it's is scanned incorrectly as Delivered when it should show as Awaiting Collection.

Message 2 of 85
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Express Post Query

Yes ... even took a drive up there and got them to check anyway... but nothing 😞

Message 3 of 85
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Express Post Query

Our local PO keeps a clipboard for any queries for the delivery drivers. Did your PO say if they could ask the driver directly for you instead of waiting for word from the official Aus Post investigation?

Message 4 of 85
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Express Post Query

No didn't say a word... funnily enought I got all my other red satchels while I was up there given to me...  it's just this express one that's missing in action... I might go up again in a minute and see if they can find anything out for me.. I didn't have the express post tracking number on me at the time but I'll go up armed soon.  They know me there as I'm always receiving parcels so I'm really stressing as to where this one has vanished to 😞

Message 5 of 85
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Express Post Query

In the past few days, I had 3 parcels marked as delivered - it appears they were delivered to a parcel delivery centre, a LPO & goodness knows where.


Satchel No.1 was delivered to Bibra Lake LPO, but the buyer lived a very long way from there, but nuyer has picked it up as I have feedback saying it arrived safely.


Satchel No.2 was delivered this morn to Welshpool Parcel Delivery Centre.


Registered envelope was marked 'With AP for delivery today' at 8.52 am Armidale & delivered 10.58 am to Armidale (presume it got to the correct address).


Last week I had a buyer in Penshurst, but the registered envelope was delivered to Kingsgrove - think I'll check with the buyer about that one, as it looks like it was NOT delivered to the street address on the envelope.

Message 6 of 85
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Express Post Query

peridot, Kingsgrove is the main delivery centre for mail going to the Penshurst area.  I live in Brighton Le Sands (a long way from Peshurst) but my mail also originates from Kingsgrove Delivery Centre.

I would say someone has forgotten to scan it out of Kingsgrove DC.

Message 7 of 85
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Express Post Query

Thanks guys... I went back up to the Post Office this afternoon but no joy... my parcel just says delivered but to the Hastings DC - I called Australia Post and they said that they don't have addresses in there or else it would clog up their system but they are investigating it... how can they investigate when they don't know where it's going?  They said they would ask the driver where he delivered it to... but having done my investigations it looks like I'm the one that's going to miss out as the Seller (who has done nothing wrong) will prove confirmation of postage and me as the buyer will just luck out 😞   I didn't even think to ask for registered post as I just paid for it and have had nothing go missing before.. the Seller (being lovely) sent a message saying that she would send it Express Post as I paid immediately... unfortunately Express Post will not cover anything and PayPal will go in favour of the Seller ... and Aust Post will just say tough luck I guess... it's early days yet so I'm praying they find it ... 

Message 8 of 85
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Express Post Query

This has been happening a lot around Australia and has happened to me recently.

I bought two items and had them sent to me with Express was delivered the next day - but not to my address. A lot of parcels are being delivered to the wrong addresses, and as this has happened to me a couple of times previously with regular airmail packages, i believe that my Express Post parcel was delivered to the wrong address.

Isn't it strange how it's always the expensive items that go missing?

Australia Post does absolutely nothing about this issue, even if you file complaints, it just keeps on happening. And as the parcels do not end up back in the postal system, one can conclude that whoever it was accidently delivered to, have decided to keep the items for themselves.

There are not many honest people these days. If i ever recieve anything that was not meant for me i put it straight back into the red Australia Post box. Seems like hardly anybody else does that though.

I hope your parcel does somehow come through, but if it doesn't, there is nothing really that you can do unfortunately. It is not the seller's fault.

We deserve a lot, lot better from Australia Post.


Message 9 of 85
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Express Post Query

Yes I agree... they shouldn't get away with it tho.... we don't have many other options as Ebay Sellers/Buyers to get our parcels out there... I remember when it was a big issue to meddle with the mail... now no-one seems to care anymore... I will fight them all the way tho as it's got to stop !!

Message 10 of 85
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