on 26-11-2013 02:02 PM
Hi All... Bought an expensive handbag and the seller was wonderful and said due to immediate payment she would post it immediately by Express Post... Well I've been tracking it and it said yesterday on route with delivery driver.... then said delivered... however didn't get delivered to me... 😞
I've checked the address with the Seller - All Good - I've called Australia Post and lodged a query as to where it was delivered... I've called them back this afternoon and they said no news yet try again tomorrow... What if it's been delivered to the wrong address and they don't hand it back... I hate the fact that the Seller sent it and all details were correct but they didn't deliver it to the correct address.. I know it's early days but I've got a really bad feeling I won't see this bag... anyone else had the same problem but did in fact get the parcel turn up?
All things crossed ... 🙂
on 29-11-2013 08:07 PM
You could still get 50 bucks via the AP investigation if they find it was delivered incorrectly - though it will need some jumping up and down too!!
Glad you were able to get another bag
on 29-11-2013 08:31 PM
I think the Seller gets that thecatspjs ... not sure - but Aust Post did just send me an email and basically called me a liar saying that it was delivered.... here we go again 😞
on 29-11-2013 08:51 PM
Yes the seller gets the cheque and if it not reimbursed to you by them, it is called fraud.
If they have advised you that the outcome of their investigation is that is was delivered then I would email them requesting the particulars of the investigation in writing including - what did the driver say about the delivery? whereabouts on your property was it left ? was the time of the scan of delivery accurate according to their records ?? Essentially insist that they are accountable for their decision.
If you email them, it doesn't take up too time, unlike ringing, and I have found the responses from AP in these circumstances, to be much more informed and considered.
on 30-11-2013 10:50 AM
@sueg57 wrote:Thank you for your help ... I did ring PayPal again and they said that they would have a look into this case again and let me know... she said that if they again decide against my appeal then I can contact my bank... so I rang my bank and they said to fill out a Direct Debit Complaint Form and they will tackle PayPal... I let PayPal know this and they said don't do that just yet ... let us have a chance to sort it out and we'll email you... so far nothing.. I will ring them again soon and find out what's going on..
Sue, on this occasion I doubt that your bank will be of any assistance as the sale and subsequent account withdrawal through Paypal were authorised by yourself, and if Paypal don't reverse their decision and voluntarily return your funds, given that the transaction was in no way fraudulent, it's very unlikely that your bank will even consider reimbursing you.
If Paypal don't refund your money, your next stop should be the Financial Ombudsmans Service web site (see post #58 for the URL and lodge your complaint form on-line) as the vast majority of improperly assessed Paypal claims are overturned almost immediately once you've lodged your complaint.
I have also heard that the FOS impose a $15 fee on Paypal for every complaint or dispute which has to go to resolution, which is probably why in cases such as yours, Paypal generally cave immediately. I believe that if you complain to the FOS, Paypal will either reverse their decision and refund you normally, or they will make what they call a 'discretionary refund' (their way of not admitting they were wrong). Either way, the FOS should have this situation resolved in double-quick time.
on 30-11-2013 12:02 PM
This has been an extremely unfortunate set of circumstances for you:
1) The seller seemingly had enough proof to protect herself but made no attempt to adequately protect her buyer for, what is to me, a significant sized sale.
2) Australia Post either misdelivered your parcel OR delivered it to a miswritten address on the parcel (which is possibly why they are emphatically stating that it has been correctly delivered).
3) If the parcel has been misdelivered or delivered to a miswritten address, there is a person who has a package without their name on it. In the former, it still had a chance to get to you. In the latter, they could have returned it to AusPost to 'Return to Sender' (which you may or may not ever find out about).
So all of these circumstances together = lost item, lost money 😞
That is why you do need to insist that the seller has an official slip of paper with your address on it, stamped by the receiving PO. A quick cross-check is done before stamping: that the address on your package matches the one on the paper/lodgement receipt etc.
This is the extreme cynic in me: Who is to say that the seller doesn't know someone around the corner from you and has sent the item there, knowing that they had 'enough' protection for PayPal purposes? You do need confirmation that the seller did indeed post to your address.
It is still a possibility that the parcel is in the system somewhere, and will make to you soon. Crazier things have happened!
on 01-12-2013 09:45 PM
Is there any chance your parcel was stolen?
on 02-12-2013 06:25 AM
HI I'm not going to give up I've decided 🙂 I work too damned hard to be out of pocket $165 ... no I don't think the parcel had a chance to be stolen ... I work from home and I was watching the tracking online... when it said delivered I thought "what the" as I have a huge dog and he always lets me know when the postie's around...
I think it might have been either misaddressed by the sender or popped in the wrong box by the postie ... after all we are human and they are under pressure at the moment - but what about me I thought I was covered by PayPal Protection...
I'm going to call them again today... ask for a Supervisor - send an email and go to the Ombudsman if necessary.
As for the Seller... still haven't left feedback.. she was all emails when her PayPal account was on hold but now doesn't want to know.. wouldn't even consider 50/50 - I would have still felt ripped off but not so hard done by...
Meanwhile I ordered the only other bag on ebay and I'm sweating that this one arrives today 🙂 I asked the Seller to send registered post so I have to sign for this one .... lesson learned 🙂
Oh and Australia Post?? they just basically called me a liar and said it was delivered and that's that... so I'm going for them too today to complain and let them know it's just "not good enough"
Will let you know the outcome... thank you SO MUCH for all your input and help and links it's been really really helpful for me and I feel like I'm going in to bat far more positive with you all behind me 🙂
on 02-12-2013 12:10 PM
on 02-12-2013 10:22 PM
Hi cq-tech ... thank you so much for your kind words... I contacted PayPal "again" today and also sent a couple of emails to which I got this reply
on 03-12-2013 12:53 AM