Fake Australian Sellers are in EPIDEMIC proportions.COME ON EBAY, this isnt a new issue...

I know this has already been raised but the issue is still on going and ignored.
Its getting impossible to find legitmate local sellers amongst the Chinese pretending to be local.Currently in dispute because of seller who hasnt shipped item many days after purchase, just generated a local tracking no to keep ebay happy without actually despatching the item, because one can only assume IT HASNT ARRIVED FROM CHINA YET! Seller telling me wait another week, sorry but it doesnt take 2 weeks for a courier to deliver from NSW to VIC, actualytakes a few days,like the item i purchased same time that was actually shipped from NSW and arrived LAST THURSDAY!
This is going to kill your platform,after this situation last week trying to look for another couple of items, RAMPANT page after page of these fake sellers, went to another site, starts with A and ryhmes with "zon" and not only purchased the items CHEAPER, THEY BOTH ARRIVED THE NEXT DAY FROM INTERSTATE WITH NO ADDITIONAL SHIPPING CHARGES.

I have NO ISSUE BUYING FROM CHINA, my issue is when im happy to wait weeks i will do so by CHOICE,  not be misled by FRADULENT item locations that are clearly in breach of ebay TOS  and constantly being allowed to continue.I reported a couple, ebay DO NOT ACT, they dont care, you can see by the 100's of nbegatives these sellers manage to amass. 
I wonder if the ATO would have anything to say about this, kinda looks like they do this to not only fool buyers but dodge GST legitimate importers get added onto their invoice at checkout,hmmmm

Not only is this a major issue for buyers but its hurting local LEGITIMATE sellers who miss out on sales they should be getting.No dont tell me its my responsibility to troll through page after page of fake listings to try and find the real local seller,the fake listings shouldnt be there,period. Al these registered in china but supposedly in AU sellers should be banned until they provide an ABN, like us legitimate local sellers acctually have to do....

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Re: Fake Australian Sellers are in EPIDEMIC proportions.COME ON EBAY, this isnt a new issue...

Honored Contributor

A lot of Chinese sellers have warehousig facilities in Australia so their goods are already in Australia and import charges have been paid.

It is not the Chinese sellers who are ripping off the ATO as they are not registered for GST and cannot have an ABN.

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