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False and misleading advertising

Community Member

I am sick and tired of 'Australian' sellers selling their 'Australian' wares that have a listed item location in 'Australia' to realise that my Paypal account gets debited in favour of some 'nebulous' Chinese operation and goods dispatched from a Chinese sweat shop with an attendant displaying next to no command of the English written word. Worse, Ebay turns a blind eye as witnessed by their cryptic policies and general customer service incompetence.

Message 1 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising have dragged up a 5 year old thread to add nothing of any value.

Message 11 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

I made a complaint about this some time ago and never got  a response.

It is false and misleading to customers and (I'm guessing) would be breaking some consumer laws.


Generally, what's been going on is that the item location is listed in places like Sydney or Melbourne. But, it's real location is actually China. 


I'm 100% with the OP.


" have dragged up a 5 year old thread to add nothing of any value."

I didn't know, but it is interesting to note that this has been going on for 5 years now and nothing has been done to remedy it.

Message 12 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Item location misrepresentation has been going on for all of the 12+ years that I have been here.


There are plenty of signs that will alert you to what is going on so it is buyer beware......and report an listings that are proven to be wrong.

Message 13 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Plenty of signs like what!!  Seller lists item in SYDNEY, and has 'COURIERS PLEASE" for shipping,, yep I was stupid enough to believe that, but... when my item hadn't arrived in a week, ,  I looked further, they had put a FALSE Aust. Post Tracking #,  and worse still, when I checked on Paypal payment listing, they had stated POSTED "Australia Express Post, Platinum",  All LIES, which is still the way their other current listings are how.  So here we all are, years later, dozens of negatives about this very thing on the Sellers FB, so it's blatently clear Ebay does NOTHING, they just want the $$$'s, false advertising is the NORM.


I could keep on with another list, like an ad stating the refurb iPhone had ONE YEAR WARRANTY, no other details, but when my daughter needed to use that for the faulty iphone, guess what?  Oh you have to pay shipping to & from China AND for all Labour!!  Foolishly she belived them (they took weeks to reply), then she had to keep messaging for weeks to see if they had it back, more delays from them reply, then to add total insult to injury, finally .... said, it has faulty motherboard, Ok we send back to you!!!!  (and not repair).  Tell me that is 'honest' trading on Ebay.  Ebay & Paypal say it's out of time for refund (4 mths), so go whistle in the dark for their help to get back over $200,  and dispite reporting this chinese seller, he STILL has the same lies in his listing, well that sucks big time.

Message 14 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

The first thing to do is see where the seller is registered......if it is China then all bets are off.   The items are almost certainly being posted from China.  If the seller advertised Couriers Please didn't it seem strange that they would give you an Australia Post tracking number?


There are some things that should NEVER be bought from Chinese sellers.....phones and other electronic goods for example.

There is no enforceable warranty and the goods are usually fakes or refurbished rather than new as advertised.


It is completely dishonest trading but you need to learn how to protect yourself from these sellers.


No matter how often these sellers are reported to ebay nothing much can be can only report them to ebay China and they do nothing.

Message 15 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Community Member

I came here looking to see if any one was getting the same runaround as myself.


I have no problem buying from China or anywhere else in the world, but when I do I would like for it to be by choice.


Quite a few times lately I have purchased from an Australian seller items that have been listed as located within Australia. I have been given Auspost tracking numbers for them, and if you look up the tracking then Auspost says "shipping information received" or some thing like that. That status generally doesn't change for 2 weeks or so, until the item arrives in Aus and then Auspost takes over.


If you use the same tracking number with "UBI Tracking" it will show the item as being in China. It will even show the shipping info received by Auspost.



AFAIK, there is no way to tell that it is coming from China until after you have bought it and then received the tracking number.


I was prepared to pay extra to give locals the business, and for the shorter (usually) delivery times.


If I had of bought direct from China I know for a fact that the items would not have cost as much.



From now on before I buy anything from an ebay seller I will insist that they reply to a question as to where its real location is but I am afraid that if they are crooked enough to list it as being in Aus then they will lie about it being in China when I ask



This must be illegal to be as misleading as this. It is at least immoral.




I would like to know how to report the seller to ebay about this, and what the ebay policy is regarding.



Personally, I don't think ebay really gives a rats about it, but it is good to know that I am not alone.

Message 16 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Community Member
To ebay its INCOME. DO they care? Do they fug.
Message 17 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

...and nothing gets done....
Message 18 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

so as many local Ozzies, with English their mother tounge..



They placed index advert on Ebay described the sell item is FREE POSTAGE..

to gain best attraction for buyer into their sell page,...

if buying without read every line...   it has added shippment of $18.85.. check following of this washer pump.


I was attracted went into the selling site by click on it...

it was completely miss matched of FREE PPOSTAGE . . 


even on its own selling site, below it has same item listed FREE POSTAGE,, 2/2(scroll right)  next to APC industries advert'

please check bellow pics,..

First: it was other seeler page.. spotted that Free Postage,.. 

Second it is  the selling page with $18.85. Yet below still listed the item is FREE POSTAGE..





***)  another issue is.. 

many oferred click and collect...


$??.??  for delivery..


English is my second language, it was pick up since live in Oz.

***) I must miss understand that, no delivery fee if Click and Collect near me.

else $??.?? for delvery.


whay not  $??.??  delivery applied to your address 

or  click and collect.



Message 19 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising


Message 20 of 37
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