False and misleading advertising

Community Member

I am sick and tired of 'Australian' sellers selling their 'Australian' wares that have a listed item location in 'Australia' to realise that my Paypal account gets debited in favour of some 'nebulous' Chinese operation and goods dispatched from a Chinese sweat shop with an attendant displaying next to no command of the English written word. Worse, Ebay turns a blind eye as witnessed by their cryptic policies and general customer service incompetence.

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Re: False and misleading advertising

If you think Ebay are going to do anything to stamp this out, think again. Just take a look at my other thread where an Aussie ''seller'' is listing items he clearly does not even have to sell, showing only computer screen shots as evidence of having the item, and I have made 5 reports to Ebay, and he is stil on there trying. Thankfuly, myself and all the other model train collectors see right through him and he hasn't managed to sell anything. Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I wished to make the point of Ebay being the toothless tiger, buyers simply have to be their own watchdogs when buying. As far as location of items is concerned, Lyndal is spot on, nothing will be done by Ebay, as these Chinese sellers are the ones making Ebay the big money, and as they don't come under Aussie consumer laws, it will just continue. Just go on the estimated postage times, as stated in this thread, and you pretty much can tell where the item is coming from. There are some Chinese sellers who do hold stock in Aust, and even if they are showing reg in China, if the postage time is a week or even less, they have stock here. Otherwise, they know you can open a case and get a refund once the estimated time passes, so they don't want to risk that. Postage times shown are the key to not being conned. IMO and experience.

Message 31 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Re: False and misleading advertising

in reply to davewil1964
@adder1975 wrote:

I have spent time reading through this.

Every person complaining still keeps going back to eBay and buying stuff.


The best way to deal with this issue is to speak with your wallet.  There are other places to buy stuff online.


Ebay gets money from advertising and from people selling stuff on their store/site.  Move your genuine Australian or whatever store elsewhere, and shop on sites that are not eBay.   That will soon get them thinking.


When eBay stops making money, then they might look at doing something.  While we keep using eBay and buying from sellers on eBay, then they have no reason to change their attitude.


My trigger for coming here was obviously misadvertised products.  My example was "360 degree" motion sensors, which is physically impossible as the absoloute most they would do is what's in front, which is 180 degrees, but official specs (if you dig) from China are 120 degrees.   The other 240 degrees advertised is a lie.



Edit: As far as people replying, every reply here is a reply to the OP in some form.  In fact, unless I missed it, you can't actually just reply to the thread without clicking reply in someones response, which makes it a reply to that person.


Good morning adder1975 and welcome to the forum. Yes you're correct and thanks for the points. It does make sense what you say. Perhaps speaking with the wallet may make a difference. Probably won't happen for a while but who knows. After all there is competition out there and that giant Amazon. And besides Amazon there's Shopify which is a major player now.

I like to live in hope and see eBay be what it should. We'll see.

Great post by the way.


Message 32 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

I think you are a bit misled. Shpify is just a platform for people to have their own websites on, like many other big platforms. Yes, many people do have their websites on Shopifly, including myself, but it is not a marketplace like Eaby where you can just look for the items you need. It is in no way competition for Ebay.


Amazon is not much better than Ebay as far as weeding out shonky sellers.


We won't be seeing the end of Ebay anytime soon even if some people decide not to buy here.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 33 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Well put and 100% correct, if E bay are not making a buck out of it they are not concerned.. they seem happyb for sellers to blatantly LIE about where stock is held.

Loads of good reading about E bays policies... but bugger all action to stop misleading info being used .


Message 34 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

I am currently having the same problem. Product ordered as "Australian stock" but I am 99% sure it is not, I believe it is shipped from China to a distribution centre in Sydney and then on forwarded to the buyer. It is so obvious by the sellers reply that they are foreign. In my case I ordered on 8th Nov and was advised later that day it had been shipped and they gave me a tracking number. On the Ebay listing they said they use Australia Post. The tracking number is not Aust. Post. I checked and they said it is Fastway who sold out to Aramex months ago. So obviously they don't know what is happening. This is the second incident I have discovered that use this method. I would not have a problem with this method but the seller is saying it has been shipped and in his case, it has been shipped, from China.

I call on Ebay to make sure all listings are correctly worded. Located in Australia has to mean it is in stock, in Australia, when the buyer order.

Message 35 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

You could be 100% "sure" simply by looking at the seller's feedback profile to see where they are registered.


That would save you from posting on a thread that was old when Pontius was a pilot.

Message 36 of 37
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Re: False and misleading advertising

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 37 of 37
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