Feedback aint what it used to be

I just bought an item which was the wrong one and got dreadful service trying to replace it which is still yet to happen so, quite reasonably I thought , I left negative feedback for the company .  It was posted when I wrote it but has since vanished . Is this common now that if you don't like the feedback you are given you just ask eBay to delete it?

Message 1 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

Thanks gewens .

What I understand is that this " Community" is largely made up of a collection of people who see it as there job to defend eBay against any criticism who are allowed to say pretty much anything they like .

However if they seem to be failing to win the argument they can simply complain to a moderator such as yourself to intervene on their behalf.

I really don't know why I expect it to be ever be any different but this time I was simply trying to understand why dishonest  sellers who know how to play the game can get negative feedback deleted .

I rely on feedback ratings when choosing which seller to buy from and was surprised and disappointed to find out just how easy it was for those who know how to play the system can rig their rating.

Message 31 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

@missbelz15 wrote:

Thanks gewens .

What I understand is that this " Community" is largely made up of a collection of people who see it as there job to defend eBay against any criticism who are allowed to say pretty much anything they like .

However if they seem to be failing to win the argument they can simply complain to a moderator such as yourself to intervene on their behalf.

I really don't know why I expect it to be ever be any different but this time I was simply trying to understand why dishonest  sellers who know how to play the game can get negative feedback deleted .

I rely on feedback ratings when choosing which seller to buy from and was surprised and disappointed to find out just how easy it was for those who know how to play the system can rig their rating.

We are just other members,  we are not here to defend Ebay,  but will stand up for them if it is valid.


You complain that feedback has being removed, but when asked if you had followed the rules of feedback,  you admitted you had no idea about the rules.


If you follow the rules, Ebay wont remove your feedback,  and the seller can't ''game'' it as you imply.


As for moderator intervention,  they will only intervene if you break the rules of the forum, again, it is just a case of knowing the rules and following them.

Message 32 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

You are 100% correct in my not knowing "the rules "  in relation to feedback .

I was instead  operating on the clearly rash assumption that if one simply reported clearly, correctly and concisely , in a non abusive manner, how they had been treated by the other party that would be acceptable as proper feedback by everyone ( except perhaps the seller it referred too) .

Message 33 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

I have to admit, until I came on the forum, I had no idea there were quite a few rules in relation to feedback.


I would have expected that swearing or over the top abuse could be deleted, that would be a common sense assumption, but I was surprised at just what can't be mentioned.

I think this is because there is a lot of non abusive feedback that does 'break the rules'.

It doesn't get deleted because presumably the sellers never look at it or ask ebay to remove it.

So I think buyers see it and assume that it's fine to say some things in their own feedback because lots of other people have.


I agree with you though that if you have an issue with a seller, it can be useful to others if you are able to leave appropriate feedback, especially clear, detailed feedback. 

So while we may not agree with every ebay rule & condition, it pays to play the game and know the rules, so you can avoid any seller getting the better of you as has happened.

Message 34 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

I agree with what you are saying however it seems to me if the rules prevent fair and reasonable feedback, presently politely,  then what is their real purpose and perhaps they need changing .

I think the reality is eBay really don't like negative feedback in any form because  they believe it reflects badly on the site regardless of how useful it is to prospective buyers .

They abolished it in relation buyers several years ago for no good reason I can think of and I suspect would like to do it in relation to sellers if they thought they could do it without too much of an uproar.

Message 35 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

@missbelz15 wrote:


I think the reality is eBay really don't like negative feedback in any form because  they believe it reflects badly on the site regardless of how useful it is to prospective buyers .

In reality I think the opposite is true,  why did they recently change the word count you could include in feedback,  if they were trying to hide things they would give you less words to say bad things.   It's just a case of following the rules, and all is ok.

Message 36 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

With all due respect Miss B, you seem to be more fixated on feedback than you do getting your issue sorted of being sent the wrong item. 80% of buyers these days don't give a hoot about feedback (my numbers). A lot of sellers don't care either. Put your efforts into getting the issue of the wrong item sorted and forget about the feedback. You left feedback too early, and there is nothing you can do to change it. Chalk it up to experience and learn from it. Don't make the same mistake next time.

Message 37 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

@*sons_and_daughters* wrote:

80% of buyers these days don't give a hoot about feedback (my numbers). 

But it's funny, when they do have an issue they suddenly come running to the boards complaining about the negative feedback a seller had.   If only they had checked that feedback before they purchased

Message 38 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

It was the only way to get the seller to respond as he ignored my 3 previous messages and only reacted AFTER I gave him the feedback. I even forewarned him I intended to do it and he simply ignored that too.

Message 39 of 74
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Feedback aint what it used to be

Really???, Dear .  I bought from this seller BECAUSE he had 100% perfect feedback . And only now I see how that was possible .  I am actually complaining about the negative feedback he DIDN'T have , Dear .

Message 40 of 74
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