Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

What is the best 'wording' to use to make a negative feedback stick for a bad seller.


I have been an ebay member, buying and selling since 2004. This is the First time I felt that I needed to leave negative feedback.


I contacted seller to ask if multiple items purchased within 7 days would they combined postage invoice as I was interested in bidding on 8 of their auctions. Seller stated yes.


I won a few auctions and noticed that there was blantant shill bidding going on (other buyer is 100%, 97 bids with 7 Bid retractions) and I didnt think to retract bid on the running auctions as I havent ever had to do that before. I thought I will just have to wear this as a bad experience, bad due diligence and never buy from this seller again. I can report each item to ebay, but going by past discussions, they dont do anything anyway.


So moving forward, all 8 items won and I request combined invoice from seller. Seller responds next day to say he cant find 2 of the items (earings and necklace) and can he post the other 6 items and will send the other 2 if he finds them. I reponded that no, I am wanting all items posted together please and if he cant find the other 2 items he will need to cancel them.  I wake up next day to all 8 items cancelled saying I cancelled 2 and he stated the other 6 were out of stock or damaged.  That afternoon the seller relised the earings!!  


My first thought was I got out of a bad transaction before paying and  not having to deal with all the waiting to see if I would recive the items, but then thought others buyers should know what is happening, So I posted a negative feedback on the earings to state 'Buyer beware - seller cancelled due to no stock, but has re-listed' and ebay have removed the neg feedback.  The seller has since removed the earrings listing also.


So my question is what feedback 'wording' would you suggest to make a negative feedback stick?


Thank you. 


Examples of some of the shill bidding =

1 = 402294766976  **100% 97 bids. 7 bid retractions.

2 = 324203452088  ** 100% 102 bids, 15 bid retractions.

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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

In the case of a cancellation before payment, I believe eBay consider that no transaction occurred, thus feedback will be removed automatically.

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

Hi dianne2buy, and welcome to the board. Very sorry to hear of your bad experience.


Gee, that's no good the FB being removed. FB is what keeps some sellers in line. Having dealt with some dreamers, schemers, people with no idea and outright thieves in my time, I know that FB has it's place here. Well and truly. In saying that, a couple of bad experiences of mine could have been avoided had I gone though the positive feedback and looked for clues.


Best thing to do is keep it simple and be careful of using wording like "Buyer beware" etc. Once upon a time that used to stick but not any more it seems. Best to say, "I won items but seller has not supplied them". Keep it simple and that way another potential buyer may think twice about getting into this auction. And if the seller replies with something like, "Buyer insane, nothing of the sort", you can follow up with, "I stand by what I said the first time. I tell the truth".


You should have the option to have your FB restored but maybe re-worded.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

@davewil1964 wrote:

In the case of a cancellation before payment, I believe eBay consider that no transaction occurred, thus feedback will be removed automatically.

Well that's not fair because some transactions before payment are made because some sellers are dishonest and are up to no good . Some I said! And some sellers that are the dishonest type see this as a green light to do "no good" again

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

@davewil1964 wrote:

In the case of a cancellation before payment, I believe eBay consider that no transaction occurred, thus feedback will be removed automatically.

This is exactly what eBay is doing at the moment.  If before payment a seller cancels a transaction and a negative feedback left, it will be removed.


Absolutely backwards.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

Be happy in the knowledge that if the seller has cancelled and used the no stock option, they get a rather nasty slap by eBay. Having 8 no stock items could be enough to see them restricted. Given they only have 25 feedback, when the next evaluation period comes around (usually mid month), they could find themselves unable to sell anything at all.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

It's blatant shill bidding from a dishonest seller.

A particularly disgruntled ex-buyer might feel inclined to send the seller a message along the following lines, though I would never condone such belligerence:


I can see you're using other accounts to inflate the prices of your auctions. I've reported those items and your account to eBay. and I've let several of my eBay-frequenting friends know about your disgusting behaviour as well.

Next time you decide to place shill bids on your items, some of us will be bidding too, and you can enjoy the mystery of wondering which items are going to be returned to you for a full refund under eBay's Money Back Guarantee, due to their damaged state upon reaching their buyers.

Take care."

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

Thanks for the advise, and so I understand that if I leave any neg feedback, ebay will remove anyway - so there is no way to warn other buyers ๐Ÿ˜ž 


I think I am just going to shake it off and hope that other buyers have a good look at bidding history on completed items first, as that is what I will be doing in future.


I had a look on a few of the auctions on both of these accounts and some of the shill bidding is no longer in the bid history, so I am hoping that means ebay investigated the ones I reported on and took them off somehow. 


I have blocked both accounts on my buyers list and will now take a deep breath and let it go. 





Message 8 of 9
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Re: Feedback suggestion to apply to seller

Disappearing bids is unusual - if bids are cancelled they should still appear in the bidding activity window, but further down under 'cancelled bids'.

Letting it go is the best thing - it's not worth stressing over, and dishonest sellers usually get caught out in the end anyway.

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