How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!

How do I report a buyer, it is really difficult to find the right department on their website.


We won a bid for a coffee table, item 292411972815, the owner said it was damaged beyond repair and couldn't sell it, and has now listed the exact same table Item 292432415175.  We've all sold items and not got the $ we were expecting, this is just dishonest.  

Ebay relies on the honesty of its seller and buyers to operate!

Message 1 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!

Hi 4channel

Sorry for going off topic, could you please look in the BEWARE Global shipping program thread, I have asked a question about damaged items that you may have had experience with.

Many thanks

Hi tastetaste2, I'll have a look at your question on that thread and see if I can contribute. Cheers.

Message 21 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!


4channel wrote:  in reply to @dadada251


Oh man! I can tell you a story just about this kind of thing where an associate of mind bid on and won a collectable vintage 1970s Hi-Fi item. He won it for $40. Usually these itemss go for over $200. Seller who was based in the UK was silent for a few days then came up with a story he dropped it on his kitchen floor.   I stepped in as my associate was the timd type. I asked the seller for the item and I would help my associate repair it. After some back and forth messaging, He said   .. ..   " I threw it in the rubbish bin and it was collected on Tuesday". Well, I rung up the local council close to his address (We got his address) and the bins were not collected on the day he said.


@digital*ghost wrote:


unsure  Uhhh.... Nice going, Sherlock? 


I hope you also called up every other kind of non-council rubbish removalist in the area as well, just to make sure the seller hadn't hired a skip or something. (Presumably not ncessary if they relisted it, but then you wouldn't have had to call the seller's local council if that had happened). 


Secondly, what exactly were you planning on doing with that info? Was the plan to get the seller to do something they clearly were not interested in doing, just with presenting them a surprise "Gotcha" message, or was it for an "I outsmarted you" victory speech. 


Morbidly fascinated. 


digital*ghost, why would you say ...  "I hope you also called up every other kind of non-council rubbish removalist in the area as well" ?


You've done got me curious!

Message 22 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!



4channel wrote:  in reply to @dadada251


Oh man! I can tell you a story just about this kind of thing where an associate of mind bid on and won a collectable vintage 1970s Hi-Fi item. He won it for $40. Usually these itemss go for over $200. Seller who was based in the UK was silent for a few days then came up with a story he dropped it on his kitchen floor.   I stepped in as my associate was the timd type. I asked the seller for the item and I would help my associate repair it. After some back and forth messaging, He said   .. ..   " I threw it in the rubbish bin and it was collected on Tuesday". Well, I rung up the local council close to his address (We got his address) and the bins were not collected on the day he said.


@digital*ghost wrote:


unsure  Uhhh.... Nice going, Sherlock? 


I hope you also called up every other kind of non-council rubbish removalist in the area as well, just to make sure the seller hadn't hired a skip or something. (Presumably not ncessary if they relisted it, but then you wouldn't have had to call the seller's local council if that had happened). 


Secondly, what exactly were you planning on doing with that info? Was the plan to get the seller to do something they clearly were not interested in doing, just with presenting them a surprise "Gotcha" message, or was it for an "I outsmarted you" victory speech. 


Morbidly fascinated. 


digital*ghost, why would you say ...  "I hope you also called up every other kind of non-council rubbish removalist in the area as well" ?


You've done got me curious!

just so you arenโ€™t left waiting too long, I think the answer to your question for digi can be found in the words that immediately follow the bit you quoted i.e. just to make sure the seller hadn't hired a skip or something.

Message 23 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!





4channel wote":


digital*ghost, why would you say ...  "I hope you also called up every other kind of non-council rubbish removalist in the area as well" ?


You've done got me curious!

k1ooo-slr-sales wrote:


just so you arenโ€™t left waiting too long, I think the answer to your question for digi can be found in the words that immediately follow the bit you quoted i.e.just to make sure the seller hadn't hired a skip or something.

k1ooo-slr-sales ,  hmmm possibly right but given the  tone of       unsure  Uhhh.... Nice going, Sherlock? 

Secondly, what exactly were you planning on doing with that info? Was the plan to get the seller to do something they clearly were not interested in doing, just with presenting them a surprise "Gotcha" message, or was it for an "I outsmarted you" victory speech. 



I do wonder lol.  I have mentioned here previouisly that there is a bullying culture here in these boards. It is specially aimed at those who speak out and criticise certain things. Not saying DG is part of it as I have only seen this member a few of times.


Thanks for the input.

Message 24 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!

@4channel wrote


I do wonder lol. 


I have seen in your posts that you do wonder a lot . . . . . . . a case could be put for you to be described as being wonderful



Edit:  oooops, forgot the smiley Smiley Happy
Message 25 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!

I hereby withdraw the Sherlock comparison on the grounds that Sherlock had incredibly good deductive reasoning skills.


You said the purchase was a vintage hi-fi item, I asked if you called other companies because electronic and tech equipment is generally handled differently than normal household waste, even if handled by the council.


What are the rules in the UK for electronic and tech waste? Did you verify that first? Over here, in my local council, there are restrictions on what can and can't be put in a rubbish bin - anything electronic (no matter how old it is) is called e-waste and can't be put in a normal rubbish bin. The council will collect some e-waste if you book in for a hard rubbish collection, though. Those aren't collected on regular 'bin' days, either, you book in and they give you a specific date (or week) that they'll send someone around to pick it up.


Message 26 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!


I hereby withdraw the Sherlock comparison on the grounds that Sherlock had incredibly good deductive reasoning skills.


You said the purchase was a vintage hi-fi item, I asked if you called other companies because electronic and tech equipment is generally handled differently than normal household waste, even if handled by the council.


What are the rules in the UK for electronic and tech waste? Did you verify that first? Over here, in my local council, there are restrictions on what can and can't be put in a rubbish bin - anything electronic (no matter how old it is) is called e-waste and can't be put in a normal rubbish bin. The council will collect some e-waste if you book in for a hard rubbish collection, though. Those aren't collected on regular 'bin' days, either, you book in and they give you a specific date (or week) that they'll send someone around to pick it up.


BIG SIGH  .........  I already said that when I contacted him, he said he threw it out in his bin and the rubbish collectors took it.

Got it, Amigo / Amigoette?

Message 27 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!

I think collection day Tuesday he said.

Message 28 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!


BIG SIGH  .........  I already said that when I contacted him, he said he threw it out in his bin and the rubbish collectors took it.

Got it, Amigo / Amigoette?

Lol, nothing like misfired condescension to top off an afternoon. Smiley LOL


Stop trying to retroactively change the narrative to justify your responses - it won't work.


Before today, I only ever responded to your initial post, which (and I quote verbatim) stated 'He said .. .. " I threw it in the rubbish bin and it was collected on Tuesday".'


That does not say that the seller said the council collected, it just says it was collected, and from everyone else's perspective, it looks like you made a bunch of presumptions and called the council, when "it was collected" doesn't specify by whom. 


This lead to my response (which is what you were questioning), suggesting that if the seller didn't clarify who collected it, calling their local council was a waste of time because it doesn't prove they were lying about throwing it away and it already being collected. You can't question my response in the context of so called "new information".


My recent response also gave possibilities as to how a counclil can still be involved in rubbish collection outside of their normal schedule, especially when e-waste is concerned, and your reply does nothing to prove that the seller hadn't been referring to a different kind of bin / waste collection handled by the council. For all I know you decided to add that the seller specifically said "council" in their reply after the fact because you think it makes your assumptions and decision to call them more understandable and justifiable - I'm afraid it doesn't, and wouldn't, even if the seller did specifically say "council" in their reply. 


By the way, how do you even know that the address provided by the seller is where they live, and that you therefore called the correct council? Because of the Distance Selling Regulations in the UK, sellers are required to provide an address when they sell online, but many don't use their home address because they have concerns about people and their occasional stalker-like behaviour (go figure). There are businesses in the UK that cater to these kinds of people and you can pay them to provide you with an address to use. People could also use a relative's address, a work address - any address that happens to not be where they live, and in a different council area where bins are collected on other days. 


Besides which, you're missing the point of everyone's responses entirely - I actually do think the seller was probably lying, the purpose in my responses is to point out that A) the seller provided a scenario to excuse themselves from the sale that wasn't open to negotiation, their reason (or excuse) eliminated the possibility of the item still being accessible to the buyer, so to catch them in their lie was hardly going to get you anywhere, not least of all because a lot of people tend to just continue to lie more when confronted about an intital lie; and B) your initial post indicated you hadn't considered any other possibility other than the one you decided upon, so some of those possibilities were pointed out. 


Lastly, let's say you are actually 100% correct in all of your assumptions, and the sellers lives where they said, and meant "normal rubbish bin collected on a regular schedule by the local council" when they said they threw it away, and so you've proven that the seller lied about throwing away.... All you've done is prove they lied about throwing it away (or how / when), it doesn't prove anything else they said about damaging it or what have you, it just casts greater doubt on it. I was morbidly fascinated by your actions because they are so unusual to me - I've never heard of anyone doing something like that to try and prove a point, meanwhile thoroughly discounting the fact that the seller has indicated they won't be selling the item. If I were a seller and I was inclined to lie about something like that, having someone message me with "oh yeah, well I've checked up on you and it seems like you're lying" I would be even more convinced that person was someone I never wanted to deal with at all. 





Message 29 of 61
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Re: How do I report a member? I won a bid, seller said it was broken, now has relisted. Liar!

4channel, I think you deserve an award for going over and above the norm in proving a seller is lying.  I mean, you actually took the time to find out what UK council area the seller lived in AND YOU PHONED THEM.  That deserves an award, maybe the board award for February!


Also, while making veiled complaints regarding board bullies you have the knack to actually come across to some as a bit of a bully yourself in some of your posts (Mocking members and calling them names).


Just sayin


Message 30 of 61
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