How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

Hello, is there a way to cancel my order and get a refund?

It's into the 8th day now and the seller still hasn't shipped.

The only reason I bought from them was because they said they would ship within 24 hours.

I messaged the seller asking to cancel and they wont.


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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

@papermoon.lady wrote:

By the way, how did you pay? If you paid by cc it might take a few days until payment is cleared.

Paid by PayPal at the time of purchase, they got their money straight away.

Message 21 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

Delays with deliveries is a major issue on ebay when buying parts that are needed in a hurry.  I have used one seller now for most items as they post quickly even though their feedback shows complaints of slow delivery. It is one area that ebay needs to fix if they want to have a better experience for those who are in a hurry. 


But on the other hand I used a local business recently and  placed an online order with Repco on the 15th August. Arrived yesterday not complete although the invoice shows everything should be there and the one main item I needed was one of the missing items. 

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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

29 July :I purchased a Xmas tablecloth from China. The seller had *reasonable* feedback but as I wasnโ€™t in a hurry, I didnโ€™t care about slow delivery. 
The sale wasnโ€™t updated in *my purchase history* as been sent until after it arrived.


The expected DOD was originally mid August or something like that. That changed to Late October and I remember thinking. *sigh* but still, I really didnโ€™t care as itโ€™s not needed until Xmas. 

It arrived 2 days ago. NOW,  the purchase history has been updated as being sent on 29 July.  

My point isโ€ฆ.. if you want your items next week, donโ€™t purchase from overseas. (Except the UK, just had a parcel arrive with tracking in 4 days!โ€ฆ.. even surprised me! โ˜บ๏ธ)

If you canโ€™t purchase those items in Australia, then be prepared a long delivery wait. I know China is still having covid postage issues.  

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Message 23 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

@doohan$$$ wrote:

@springyzone wrote:

I had a look at your seller's ad, and I saw that although it claimed they would normally ship in 24 hours, that wasn't a guarantee as such. It mentioned that they would let you know if there was a hold up with postage. It seems they have answered you and let you know they are unsure when it will ship.

Never buy unless you are prepared to wait for delivery in the quoted dates. 

They never let me know about the postage delay - like their description says they would.

After the 5th day I contacted them asking why it hasn't been sent.

Yes I'm prepared to wait for the quoted dates, but there is no way its going to arrive by Sep 14 - 21 when they refuse to send it!

As I said in my initial post, I do think if they are having problems getting it posted, then they should have offered you the option of a cancellation.

And yes, they should have contacted you if they knew things were being delayed. That is what they stated in the ad that they would do.


I don't think you made a 'wrong' decision in buying from them, in that you have explained the part isn't available in Australia and to me, a feedback score of 99% is pretty good. I've bought from big sellers before whose feedback score has been lower and had no trouble.


You're just unlucky. You'll have to wait it out till the delivery window has passed and then you should make your ebay claim. You can also give them a blast in feedback and quite frankly, they would deserve it if that item doesn't arrived in time and they knew it wouldn't and sat around twiddling their thumbs instead of offering a cancellation and refund.

Time will tell, please keep us informed and let us know if it does turn up. Perhaps they will post it off express.

Message 24 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

You know whatโ€ฆ.

 Sometimes LIFE HAPPENS! 
And when it does, the last thing on oneโ€™s mind is โ€˜I better log into eBay and answer my emails! 

Just wait for the expected delivery date. It might turn up, and if it does, all great.

If it doesnโ€™t, then open a Iten Not received case through eBay.  

Come back here and weโ€™ll talk you through the process. 

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Message 25 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

I know sometimes sellers don't bother marking something as shipped (it is one of my pet hates when they don't as I count it as an important bit of communication).

But this bit you reported

 I contacted the seller and they told me it hasn't shipped and they don't know when it will!


It does not exactly inspire confidence. Could be a language difficulty but you'd think, if a seller is going to reply at all, they wouldn't make such a hash of it. Perhaps say they had not shipped but would asap. Or outline a likely delay period.


However, you're in the home straight. Delivery 14-21 Sept. Make or break time. I'm really keen to know if it will turn up on time.

If not, do as Jane says and open a not received case through ebay. I am not as kind as Jane though, in that I think if sellers get into a rough patch (short of being comatose in hospital), they need to communicate with buyers.

I can recall once having to go into emergency at hospital at 3am, in extreme pain, needing an op, but I still rang work at 7am to say I couldn't get in for a few days. It's what you have to do.

So if this seller doesn't follow through with any further communication and you don't get the item, I'd also be inclined to leave neg feedback.

Message 26 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

So after 10 days I'd had enough, the item still wasn't sent so put a chargeback through on my credit card and got a refund.

I'm not waiting for some lazy ebay seller.

I'd recommend any buyer to do the same if they get a dodgy seller, always pay with your credit card so you can get a refund.

On the same day I bought two other items also from China, they had no problem posting within 24 hours...

As I mentioned before, the buyer should have the right to cancel an order if the seller wont post after 7 days.

The current system is a joke.

I also can't leave negative feedback, it brings up the WE RAN INTO A PROBLEM page, typical...

Message 27 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

Well that update was rather slow coming through, but I am sure you actually made the update ages ago. and the obvious tardyness was all ebays fault.  Anyway as you do not like the system, and policies  etc apparently dont apply to you,  have a big welcome to the list.

Message 28 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

What about the actual item? Did it ever get posted out or arrive?

I know that when you initiated the chargeback, it was obviously showing as not sent but sometimes sellers don't mark that section. They definitely should, it is in their interest to.

In my opinion, if a seller cannot post within their advertised time line, then they should offer the buyer a choice of cancellation or else ask if they would rather wait for a set period eg one week more. If a seller can't be sure that they will post even at that later point, then they should cancel.


I am surprised you can't leave feedback but just wondered, is the seller still a registered seller? I once went to leave feedback (neg) for a seller and couldn't and it was because the seller had been booted.


I'm inclined to think you have a case in that if an item has not been posted within a set period, buyers should have the option to cancel. I'm not sure I would put it at 7 days but maybe 7 days after the handling time has expired, if it hasn't been marked as posted then buyers should have the option. 


I would guess this option isn't in place because if an item fails to show up by the ETA, a buyer can open an ebay claim staright away anyhow. Trouble is, with international purchases, that wait could be quite long, whereas with Australia based items, the time line would be much the same.


And it could not apply to pick up items, I can see the potential for buyers abusing the system there.


Message 29 of 30
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How to Cancel Order? Seller hasn't shipped after 7 days

Hi Springy,  there were issues with leaving FB yesterday, seems to be all OK again today.

Message 30 of 30
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