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I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

Hi Everyone,


Amatuer hour for me. I've made a purchase with an individual who listed the same item on the next day with the same title, images, price and description. I've contacted the seller and his response was that 'his partner has the same one so he thought that he would use the same pictures'. He said that he's sent the item but hasn't even marked my item as paid nor sent. I briefly read 'ebays money back guarantee policy'. And I only learnt about the red flags AFTER I gained some suspicion that I was being scammed. He requests for bank transfer only, recently made account and slow to reply to messages. It's been about 24 hours thus far since I made the order. I've reported his repeat listed item. I'm a little hesitant on the off chance that the buyer is honest and he's 'just slow with technology' and it may be too early to tell. Yes, i bank transferred, I know I am highly likely not going to get my money back. But any advice would be helpful, additionally is there anything I can do to prevent others from buying the same item and being scammed. 


Other information: I have his banking details (name, acc no, bsb) if thats of any help for investigation of evidence for something... 

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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

@davidewz-92 wrote:

Do you think its worth leaving a negative review now to let others know or contact eBay about it? I'm having a growing suspicion that others are also being duped..

You can not leave negative FB  at this time.  Note the one positive they have   "Dined the payment"   which I think is meant to be denied the payment.   You could raise it with ebay via live chat, but there is not much they can do until the item is not received  and even then as you paid via  DD there is not much they can do.

So really all you can do at the moment is cross your fingers and hope

All the best, and Hopefully the seller comes good.

Message 11 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

I would not leave feedback until the transaction is completed.

If you badmouth the seller and the transaction happens to be completed successfully the seller could actually take legal action against you.

At the very least he can have the feedback removed.

Message 12 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

Depending on the method of payment and the recipiend bank , the receiver can have the funds in their account in seconds.  Even inter-bank payments can take place the same day.

Message 13 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

Can, not will, is the operative word.


Message 14 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

@gutterpunkz05 wrote:

Hi there,  If you have purchased from the seller who only registered 4 days ago,  and has sold the same item  3 times,  twice for $950 and once for  $1000.    Then I think you have every right to be concerned.

I'm with you on that. I think it is a scam 99.9% for sure.

New account, direct deposit only, expensive item & selling several.


David ewz-Had you paid via paypal, you'd have some protection.

I don't think you should wait now. I'd go into the bank tomorrow if I were you and see if it is possible to put a stop to the payment.
People here sometimes talk of a charge back, I have no idea if you can do that at this stage, but I'd be giving it my best try.


The seller hasn't given you a tracking number. I doubt if there is one. If by chance the item did arrive down the track you could always repay the seller,  but get into the bank and see what you can do, if anything.


Don't procrastinate, don't go hoping the seller is honest. You've got every right to be concerned. He says his wife has one the same, with same accessories, which is why a second one is listed. So where did the 3rd item come from? Was it another ipad?

The whole thing sounds dodgy to me. Scoot to the bank asap.

Message 15 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

Thanks, I've contacted my bank just before christmas day and they said they will do everything possible to reverse the transaction, and will follow up with me within 5-10 business days. If the item comes through, I'll definatey repay to honour the transaction.

Message 16 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

Good luck. I do hope they can do something for you.


I normally try to give new sellers the benefit of the doubt but what is not sitting well with me is the fact that the seller seemed reasonably competent at messaging you before the transaction. He seems to have got his payment requests across without too much trouble. He's been busy explaining how come he has a second ipad etc. Yet when it comes to your actual transaction, all he has said is he has posted it and he hasn't followed up with providing a tracking number.


You started this thread last Tuesday. That's almost a week ago, yet despite you asking several questions, which must have revealed you were a bit worried or suspicious, he has totally neglected to provide that tracking number, which is the first thing you would do to reassure a nervous buyer.


That makes me very suspicious you are being lied to. Either he hasn't posted it yet or he is not going to post it off, but in either case, you're better off with a charge back.




Message 17 of 18
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Re: I'm suspecting that I'm being scammed, advice?

@springyzone wrote:

Good luck. I do hope they can do something for you.


Either he hasn't posted it yet or he is not going to post it off, but in either case, you're better off with a charge back.




Springy, if the OP paid by bank deposit into the seller's account there's no possibility of as chargeback, that can only be done if it was a credit card payment, and the payment method appears to be the former rather than the latter.



"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 18 of 18
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