on 05-12-2013 05:12 PM
on 05-12-2013 10:44 PM
evening dave 🙂
on 05-12-2013 10:46 PM
How's things?
on 05-12-2013 10:49 PM
pretty OK, thanks
sorting a lot out, took a short break from eBaying, lots of stuff to sort with hubby's estate, but I'm getting thru it all. kinda strange only have ME to worry about these days
looking forward to next year and putting 2013 behind me.
thanks for asking......x
on 05-12-2013 10:49 PM
*removes invisibility cloak*
on 05-12-2013 11:00 PM
Bummer. Condolences for your loss.
on 05-12-2013 11:01 PM
yeah, you too.
on 05-12-2013 11:21 PM
@putney32 wrote:pretty OK, thanks
sorting a lot out, took a short break from eBaying, lots of stuff to sort with hubby's estate, but I'm getting thru it all. kinda strange only have ME to worry about these days
looking forward to next year and putting 2013 behind me.
thanks for asking......x
I didn't see, I am so sorry putney.
on 06-12-2013 10:31 AM
Do I have a piece of paper??? That is just stoopid. I own one of these, I can see quite quickly and easily what is fake about it. It's not rocket science. The bridge is not the real bridge, it just looks vaguely like it. I have report fakes on gumtree, which ebay owns, and they have been taken down in a matter of days.
They provide us with the option of reporting a fake, you can specifically select it from the drop down options. If they don't intend to act on reports of fakes, then they should stop pretending they take it seriously. Ebay makes a lot of money out of the ebay business, and a lot more with the paypal business. They should be spending some of that money on ensuring the integrity of the business. At the moment, they seem to only take action if a buyer complains, and even then sellers can evade the rules by stretching out a problem to 45 days, when it is too late to open a complaint.
Unprofessional and unethical, ebay.
on 06-12-2013 11:41 AM
"Dear Mr Guitar Seller,
We regret to inform you that we have removed your listing because some random preson about whom we know absolutely nothing has told us that your item is a fake. We believe them even though we have no proof and no way of knowing if they are your competitor, a person with a personal vendetta, a kid out for kicks on a Friday night fraudulently using his mummy's account or a hacker who has infiltrated someone's account.
Warm Regards, eBay.
OP, I understand your frustration, but have a read of the User Agreement where eBay outlines theirs, and each users responsibilities that you agreed to upon joining this site.
on 06-12-2013 12:25 PM
No, I have not said that at all. I know it is a fake, if they would reply to my message, I would be more than happy to supply evidence that they can verify themselves. They could take my claim and ask the manufacturer to verify it. To date, no response at all. That is negligance on the part of Ebay.
There is an onus on Ebay to uphold it's standards. From what I can see, they don't care about their reputation at all, or that customers are being treated fraudulently. They make a lot of money form Ebay and Paypal, they can use some of that money to maintain their reputation and show that they care for their members. The total disregard speaks volumes, they will take my money, but show no respect in return.